Copyright: 2009
Pages: 424
ISBN: 9781596933903

Our Price: $112.00

Addressing several misconceptions and misunderstandings about communications interoperability that continue to limit capabilities in the field, this unique book provides a detailed examination of the subject, focusing on the use of voice, data, and video systems for public safety and emergency response. This practical resource makes in-depth recommendations spanning technical, planning, and procedural approaches to provide efficient public safety response performance. You find covered the many approaches used to achieve interoperability, including a synopsis of the enabling technologies and systems intended to provide radio interoperability. Featuring specific examples nationwide, the book takes you from strategy to proper implementation, using enterprise architecture, systems engineering, and systems integration planning. Supported with over 90 illustrations, this authoritative, holistic reference: Shows you how to develop moment-to-moment, interoperable communications for major public safety and emergency response incidents and events; Covers critical operations, systems, and standards, and how they are employed in the overall development of interoperable information sharing among all responders; Provides up-to-date product capabilities and defines the best roles they can play to achieve interoperability; Offers clear guidance from leading experts involved in all aspects of the planning and implementation of interoperable communications systems.
Table Of Contents
Foreword by Donald M. Goldstein ; Foreword by Morgan E. O 'Brien ; Preface ; Acknowledgments ; Interoperability Defined - Real Interoperability. Definition and Vision. Planning Elements of Interoperable IT and Communication Systems. Holistic Interoperability. ; Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and Katrina: Same Lessons Not Yet Learned - Now and Then: Enduring Failure. Failed Interoperability. Pearl Harbor Interoperability Analysis. Lessons TaughtNot Learned. Leadership Failures and the Need for Holistic Interoperability.; World Interoperability Failure Model - The Cause. Responder-Receivers Organizations in the Failure Model. Governance Layers in the Failure Model. Other Deterrents to Interoperability. The Interoperability Assessment Checklist. Summary. ; Best Practices for Achieving Interoperability - Overview of Best Practices. Program and Project Management. Organizational Development. Strategic Planning. Enterprise Architecture. Business Case Analysis. Funding. Systems Engineering. Standards Development for Interoperability. Integrated Best Practices for the Interoperability Success Plan. ; Operational Architecture - Interoperability Architecture. The Operations Center. The Observe-Orient-Decide-Act Loop. Concept of Operations. Standard Operating Procedures. Emergency Response Frameworks. Architecture-Centric Engineering. Summary. ; Interoperability System Architecture - Interoperability Architecture and IT/Communications Systems. OPCEN System Architecture. Backbone-Supported Interoperability. RF Interoperability. Summary. ; Achieving Interoperability - Summary of the Interoperability Problem. Best Practices Determine Interoperability Planning Success Factors. Application to the World Interoperability Failure Model. The Work Plan. Success Planning Factors. Contributing to the World Interoperability Success Plan. Summary. ; Emerging Capabilities - The Emergent Information-Sharing Environment. Emerging IT Capabilities to Mitigate Deficiencies. Emerging Communications Capabilities to Mitigate Deficiencies. Summary. ; Acronyms. Glossary. About the Authors. About the Contributors. Index /p>;


  • Robert I. Desourdis Robert Desourdis is vice president, Solution Architecture, Science Applications International Corporation. He earned his MS in electrical engineering from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute and M.S. from the technology and policy program at MIT.
  • Holger Hinsch Holger Hinsch is senior financial analyst at Science Applications International Corporation. He earned his MBA from the University of Maryland.
  • Eric E. Johnson Eric E. Johnson is Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering at New Mexico State University. He serves as an advisor to US and allied governments, as well as companies in the aerospace and defense industries. He holds an M.Sc. in electrical engineering from Washington University in St. Louis, MO and a Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from New Mexico State University.