By (author): Khalil Arshak

Copyright: 2006
Pages: 230
ISBN: 9781580533751

Our Price: $82.00

Ranging from basic principles to advanced concepts and real-world applications, this comprehensive reference offers you expert guidance in radiation dosimetry. The book thoroughly examines the physics of radiation, its biological effects, commercial products, device design, and measurement methods. You find critical details on sensing using thin/thick film technology and discover the latest about gamma radiation dosimetry using metal oxides and polymers, including metal substituted phthalocyanines. You gain deep knowledge of the effects of radiation on physical processes, helping you to design more cost-effective dosimeter devices. The book presents in-depth information on commercially available dosimetry equipment, offering you a solid understanding of how these products operate and how to use them in mining, construction, medical, energy, defense, and security applications. In addition, this cutting-edge volume presents the radiation dose concept, where accuracy of dose measurement and classification between different radiation types, e.g. alpha, beta, gamma etc, is enhanced by applying specific pattern recognition algorithm.
Table Of Contents
Introduction.; Radiation Dosimetry: Background and PrinciplesReview of the Radiation Types. Biological Effects of Radiation. Basic Principles of Radiation Protection. Dosimetry for Industrial Radiation Processing. Medical Use of Ionizing Radiation. Uncontrolled Radioactive Releases. Review of the Principles and Materials in Radiation Dosimetry. ; Effects of Radiation on Optical and Electrical Properties of MaterialsIntroduction. Optical Absorption. Amorphous Films. Absorption Spectra of Amorphous Solids. Metal-Semiconductor Contacts. Conduction Mechanisms in Amorphous Materials. Radiation Damage in Crystalline Structures. Radiation-Induced Defects in Oxide Materials. Radiation Effects in Polymers. Radiation-Induced Degradation Processes in Device Parameters.; Gamma Radiation Dosimetry Using Metal Oxides and Metal-Substituted PhthalocyaninesThin and Thick Film Technologies. Thin Films as Radiation Sensors. Thick Films as Radiation Sensors. Conclusion.; Sensor Arrays. ; Radiation Dose Concept and Pattern RecognitionSensor Arrays. Dosimetry of Mixed Radiations. Radiation Nose Concept. Overview of Pattern Recognition. Classification and Validation. Radiation Nose Using a Compaq iPAQ Designed for Resistive Sensors. Portable Real-Time Gamma Radiation Dosimetry System Using MgO and CeO2 Thick Film Capacitors. ; Conclusion and Future Trends.; Appendix. List of Acronyms. Index. Author 's Biography.;


  • Khalil Arshak Khalil Arshak is a professor in the Electronics and Computer Engineering Department, University of Limerick. He holds an M.Sc. degree in solid state physics from the University of Salford and earned a D.Sc. in semiconductors and a Ph.D. in solid state electronics from Brunel University.