By (author): Dennis Kozakoff

Copyright: 2009
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781596934429

Our Price: $102.00

This new, updated edition to an Artech House classic provides a current, comprehensive overview of the design and analysis of radomes. The second edition includes a wealth of new material, including three new chapters on radome measurement techniques, environmental effects on radomes, and new radome technology. This unique book helps you to design radomes for top performance, understand the effect a radome has on a particular antenna's operation, and become knowledgeable about how to specify acceptable radome equipment. Over 130 illustrations and more than 250 equations support key topics throughout the book.
Table Of Contents
Overview of Radome Phenomenology - History of Radome Development. Radome-Antenna Interaction. Significance of Parameters in Radome Performance. Radome Technology Advances Since the First Edition. ; Basic Principles and Conventions - Vector Mathematics. Electromagnetic Theory. Matrices. Coordinate Systems and Gimbal Relationships. Specialized Antenna Pointing Gimbals.; Antenna Fundamentals - Directivity and Gain. Radiation from Current Elements. Antenna Array Factor. Linear Aperture Distributions. Two-Dimensional Distributions. Spiral Antennas.; Radome Dielectric Materials - Organic Materials. Inorganic Materials. Dual Mode (RF/IR) Materials. Effect of Radome Material on Antenna Performance.; Dielectric Wall Constructions - Mathematical Formulation for RadomeWall Transmission. Radome Types, Classes, and Styles Definition. Wall Style Electrical Performance.; Radome Analysis Techniques - Background. Geometric Optics (GO) Approaches. Physical Optics (PO) Approaches. Other Approaches. Sources of Computational Error. ; Ray Trace Approaches - Shape Considerations. Hemispherical Radome Shapes. Other Radome Shapes Having Axial Symmetry. Wave Decomposition at the Intercept Point.; Radome-Enclosed Guidance Antennas - Definitions of Boresight Error (BSE) and Boresight Error Slope (BSES). Calculation of Antenna Patterns and Monopulse Error Voltages for an Antenna Without a Radome. Calculation of Radiation Patterns and Monopulse Error Voltages for an Antenna with a Radome. Additional Modeling Considerations. ; Miscellaneous Radome-Enclosed Antenna Types - Spiral Antennas. Large Parabolic Antennas. Air-Supported Radomes. Metal Space Frame Radomes. Dielectric Space Frame Radomes. Radome Enclosed Phased-Array Antennas. ; Specifying and Testing Radome Performance - Specifying Aircraft Radomes. Specifying Radomes for Terrestrial and Marine SATCOM Antennas. Radome Testing Methodology. ; Environmental Degradations - Rain Erosion. Atmospheric Electricity. Radome Impact Resistance. ; Appendices. About the Author. Index ;


  • Dennis Kozakoff

    has extensive industry experience, most recently serving as president of USDigiComm Corporation in Alpharetta, GA. He was also the former president/CEO of Millimeter Wave Technology, Inc. Dr. Kozakoff received his M.S. and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Florida and the Georgia Institute of Technology, respectively. He earned his DR.Engr. at the Southeastern Institute of Technology.