Copyright: 1999
Pages: 374
ISBN: 9780890069448

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Now in its third edition, this book on fax technology and standards has been substantially revised and updated to include the latest advancements in this fast-changing field of Group 3 fax. Extensive new coverage includes: simultaneous voice and fax, higher speed modems, higher resolution, color, character mode, encryption, digital interfaces, 64 Kbps digital fax, ISDN fax transmission, Internet fax, audiographic conferencing, binary data transmission, cellular radio transmission, and fax capability in new computers and personal digital assistants (PDA). In addition to details on Group 3 standards, the book includes a newly expanded section on the evolution of fax from the earliest methods of remote signaling through the latest applications of fax technology. It also covers scanners, printers, protocols, image compression, communication channels for fax, and fax test charts and images. This is an excellent reference for fax and image processing engineers and designers, consultants, computer programmers, communication planners, business executives, government regulators, and those interested in the roots of electrical communications.
Table Of Contents
Fax Basics. Telecommunication Evolution. Group 3 Fax. Group 4 Fax. Fax Scanners. Fax Printers. Fax Digital Interfaces. PC-fax. Enhanced Services Using Group 3 Protocols. Transmission of Group 3 Fax. Fax Testing. HF Radio Fax Systems. Future of Facsimile. Fax Standards Development. Fax glossary.


  • Dennis Bodson Dennis Bodson is a consultant in telecommunication standards and is ITU Rapporteur for Q2/8 for fax test charts. He recently was head of the US delegation to the ITU-T SG 8 for fax standards, and as Chief of the National Communications Systems Office of Technology and Standards was reponsible for sponsoring the work for generating the current set of ITU test charts and images. He has been very active in the IEEE Standards Board and Standards Association activities.
  • Kenneth McConnell Ken McConnell is a fax consultant and is a pioneer in fax. He has designed and managed development of fax equipments for the office, newsphotos, weather maps, fingerprints, x-ray films, and newspaper-page printing masters. McConnell was chair of the IRE fax committee for many years, the first chair of TR-29 and chaired many fax technical conferences. He designed the current set of ITU fax test charts.
  • Stephen Urban Stephen Urban is Vice-President of Network Systems, Delta Information systems. As chair of TR-29, he has greatly expanded its range of activities, generating many new Group 3 US standards as enhancements were added. His work experience includes manager of a CAD lab at Philco-Ford, and as software and computer facility manager for Fairchild Camera. His work at Delta includes compression of images, including color, with bi-level algorithms, differential PCM, transform coding, vector quantization and other forms of entropy coding. He is now developing protocol analyzers for video teleconferencing.