By (author): Zhancang Wang

Copyright: 2017
Pages: 414
ISBN: 9781630814670

Our Price: $82.00


This cutting-edge resource presents a complete and systematic overview of the practical design considerations of radio frequency (RF) high efficiency load modulation power amplifiers (PA) for modern wireless communications for 4G and beyond. It provides comprehensive insight into all aspects of load modulation PA design and optimization not only covering design approaches specifically for passive and active load modulation operation but also hybrid with dynamic supply modulation and digital signal processing algorithms required for performance enhancement.


Passive load impedance tuner design, dynamic load modulation PA, active load modulation PA and Doherty PA design for efficiently enhancement are explained. Readers find practical guidance into load modulation PA design for bandwidth extension, including video bandwidth enhancement techniques, broadband dynamic load amplifiers, topology selection, design procedures, and network output. This book presents the evolution and integration of classical load modulation PA topologies in order to meet new challenges in the field.

Table Of Contents

Call for Efficient Power Amplification; Tunable Matching Networks; Dynamic Load Modulation Power Amplifiers; Active Load Modulation Power Amplifiers; Load Modulation Design for Efficiency; Load Modulation Design for Bandwidth; Evolutions of Load Modulation Power Amplifiers; Integrated Load Modulation Amplifiers.


  • Zhancang Wang Zhancang Wang is the owner of Amplifier Frontier Research (AFR) group, driving open discussions of cutting-edge amplifier technologies. He earned his master of electrical engineering degree from Beijing University of Technology, China.


Review by: Raymond Pengelly, Fellow of the IEEE and IET - June 1, 2017

This is the first dedicated book on the important topic of High Efficiency Load Modulation Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications that, to the reviewer's knowledge, has been published. It is an extensive and comprehensive description of all aspects of load modulation design and optimization not only covering power amplifier design approaches specifically for load modulation operation but also extensive details on active load modulation design including varactor approaches and Doherty and Chireix power amplifiers. The book is well planned with topics flowing well from the introductory chapter reviewing modulation scheme history and trends in wireless communications, through a solid theoretical understanding of various load modulation approaches. This book is recommended for those who want a full introduction and understanding of the topic through to more experienced engineers that require convenient reference material.

Review by: Andrei Grebennikov - June 1, 2017

This book is an excellent starting platform for entering the exciting world of high-efficiency radio transmitter design.

Review by: Wenhua Chen, Tsinghua University - June 1, 2017

This is a comprehensive book for energy-efficient load modulation power amplifier, which includes cutting edge dynamic load modulation, Doherty as well as Chirex architectures, this book will be constructive and fruitful for PA designers and researchers.