By (author)s: Michael Dalgleish, Neil Hoose

Copyright: 2008
Pages: 260
ISBN: 9781580537162

Our Price: $82.00

Make the most of traffic data collection and assessment efforts with the first book on state-of-the-art monitoring and analysis methods that are blazing new trails in traffic management. This unique resource gives you a hands-on understanding of the latest sensors, processors, and communication links for everything from vehicle counts to urban congestion measurement. Moreover, you learn statistical techniques for quantifying data accuracy and reducing uncertainty in both current system state assessments and future system state forecasts. This comprehensive reference provides full details on today's vehicle, traffic, and environmental sensors and their applications in capturing vehicle speed, weight, classification, occupancy, length, plate number, journey time, and other data. The volume covers methods of assessing equipment performance and reliability including the evaluation of bias and precision, along with related issues such as validation, verification, sampling, and testing procedures. It features easy-to-use statistical techniques to assess and improve data quality, including tools that help you estimate the uncertainty in your traffic data and to quantify these as confidence intervals. The book also supplies quality control procedures for traffic data management as well as help for solving data collection problems in the field.
Table Of Contents
Introduction. Statistics. Vehicle Counts. Speed Measurement. Length Measurement. Loop Occupancy. Vehicle Classification. Automatic Number Plate Reading. Assessment of Journey Time Systems. Vehicle Weight. Urban Congestion Measurement. Binning. Availability and Reliability. Data Validation and Patching. TM Station Verification and Validation. Sampling. Long-Term Data Collection. Errors. Factors Affecting Data Quality. Bias and Calibration. Metadata. FAQs. Test Procedure Outlines. Glossary.; To view complete TOC:; Click Google Preview button under book title above, then click on Contents tab.;


  • Michael Dalgleish Michael Dalgleish is a director at Wired Asset Ltd., Boars Hill, Oxford, UK. He has over 30 years of ITS and traffic detection systems experience and was formerly founder and managing director of Golden River Traffic Ltd, a world leader in traffic management systems.
  • Neil Hoose Neil Hoose is a professor at the Centre for Transport Studies at Imperial College, London and president of Bittern Consulting Ltd, a traffic management consulting firm in Banbury, UK. He earned both his M.Sc. in transport and Ph.D. in traffic engineering at the University of London, UK.