Copyright: 2010
Pages: 194
ISBN: 9781608070404

Our Price: $102.00

Digital identity can be defined as the digital representation of the information known about a specific individual or organization. Digital identity management technology is an essential function in customizing and enhancing the network user experience, protecting privacy, underpinning accountability in transactions and interactions, and complying with regulatory controls. This practical resource offers you a in-depth understanding of how to design, deploy and assess identity management solutions. It provides a comprehensive overview of current trends and future directions in identity management, including best practices, the standardization landscape, and the latest research finding. Additionally, you get a clear explanation of fundamental notions and techniques that cover the entire identity lifecycle.
Table Of Contents
Introduction - Basic Concepts. Identity Lifecycle. Identity Assurance. Fundamental Technologies - Identity Provisioning. Single Sign On. Attribute Sharing. Privacy Enhancements. Standards and Systems Overview. OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). Liberty Alliance Identity Frameworks. OpenID. Information Card (CardSpace). Towards Harmonization. Research Prototypes. Emerging Areas. Challenges - Usability. Privacy Protection. Trust Management. Biometrics. Harmonization and Interoperability. Conclusions.; To view complete TOC:; Click Google Preview button under book title above, then click on Contents tab.;


  • Elisa Bertino Elisa Bertino is a professor and research director at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. She holds a Ph.D. in computer science and is a Fellow of the IEEE Computer Society and the Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Kenji Takahashi Kenji Takahashi is the president and CEO of NTT Multimedia Communications Laboratories, Inc. in San Mateo, California. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from Tokyo Institute of Technology.