By (author): Lawrence Hughes

Copyright: 1998
Pages: 472
ISBN: 9780890069394

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Strengthen your knowledge of the basic concepts and technical details necessary to develop, implement, or debug e-mail software with this practical new reference. Authored by a recognized expert in creating and developing successful Internet e-mail servers, the book explains the underlying technology and describes the key protocols and extensions associated with Internet e-mail, including SMTP, POP3, IMAP, MIME, DSN, and more. Network administrators, computer specialists, software developers...anyone charged with assessing, developing, or managing Internet e-mail systems will value this clear, comprehensive guide. It helps you build a sound understanding of e-mail architecture, message flow, and tracing protocols, and includes real-world examples of message exchanges with program code that you can refer to when developing or debugging your own systems. You also gain valuable insight into various security topics, including public and secret key encryption, digital signatures, and key management. What's more, each chapter begins with a unique, detailed definition list to help speed your understanding of technical terms and acronyms.
Table Of Contents
Basic ConceptsSystem Architecture. Internet E-Mail Architecture. Intermediate ConceptsAttachments and Address Books. Advanced ConceptsSecurity. Applications of Security. Standards-Based (Open) E-Mail Versus Proprietary Systems. TCP/IPThe Internet Protocol Suite. DNSThe Domain Name System. Internet Directory Services. Microsoft Active Directory. Firewalls and Proxy Servers. Network Troubleshooting. SMTPSimple Message Transfer Protocol. MIMEMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. DSNDelivery Status Notification Extensions. POPPost Office Protocol. IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol. ACAPApplication Configuration Access Protocol. NNTPNetwork News Transfer Protocol.


  • Lawrence Hughes Lawrence Hughes has more than 20 years of experience in the computer industry and is currently a regional consulting engineer for Inacom Information Systems, Atlanta, Georgia. He received his B.S. in Mathematics from Florida State University.