At the beginning of the 21st century, the phased array is recognized as the essential technology for a wide variety of contemporary systems that extend human awareness in surveillance and sensing techniques. These range from advanced radars used for target surveillance, tracking, and identification, to sensors used for terrestrial, sea, and space applications, to precision radars used for air traffic control and landing, to advanced Satellite Communications (SATCOM) systems, to Fifth- Generation (5G) communications networks and their backhaul links. This book will cover the fundamentals of phased array systems, including contemporary and advanced methods. The principles apply to both high capability sensors and low-cost systems. Applications range from advanced and commercial radars to remote sensing, and multiple channel communications. The subject matter includes: an introductory overview, fields and waves analysis, domain analysis, fundamentals of array theory, far field synthesis, Floquet theory, aperture weighting functions, impedance and mutual coupling theory, aperture design, beamforming methods, feed networks, array error analysis, system requirements and sizing, and system design. An emphasis of this work is the array fundamentals that can be realized by analog, digital or hybrid beamforming methods, reflecting perceived trends in the industry. The text also includes ample practice cases, with examples and illustrations.
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Phased Arrays
1.1 Phased Array History and Perspective
1.2 Fundamentals of Wave Propagation: The Wave Equation
1.3 Array Antennas
1.4 Aperture State Fundamentals
1.5 Array Far-Field Fundamentals
1.6 Frequency-Time Domains
Chapter 2 - Array Theory
2.1 Array Far-Field Radiation
2.2 Array Far-Field Fundamental Observations
2.3 General Array Theory
2.4 Two-Element Arrays
2.5 Linear Arrays
2.6 Planar Arrays
2.7 Conformal Arrays
Chapter 3 - Lattice Theory
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Floquet’s Theorem
3.3 Lattice Theory
3.4 Reordered Lattice Theory
3.5 Finite Array and Surface Wave Effects
Chapter 4 - Array Fundamentals: Supporting Theories, Part I
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Radiating Aperture Fundamentals: Three Domains
4.3 Array Architecture
4.4 Practical Limits
4.5 Near and Far Fields
4.6 Rotational Transforms
Chapter 5 - Array Fundamentals: Supporting Theories, Part II
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Radiated Gain
5.3 Polarization Domain
5.4 Phased Array Noise Temperature
Chapter 6 - Phased Array Radiating Elements
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Single-Element Dipole over Ground Plane Radiators
6.3 Single-Element Waveguide Radiators
6.4 Single-Element Patch Radiators
Chapter 7 - Active Radiating Elements
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Mutual Coupling and Embedded Elements in Arrays
7.3 Active Radiating Element Cases
7.4 Active Dipole over Ground Plane Radiators
7.5 Active Patch Radiators
Chapter 8 - Far-Field Synthesis, Part I
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Fourier Transform Method for Linear Arrays
8.3 Schelkunoff’s Form
8.4 Canonic Forms
8.5 Truncated Complex Gaussian Forms
8.6 Modified sin(x)/x Distribution
Chapter 9 - Far-Field Array Synthesis, Part II
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Woodward-Lawson Method
9.3 Dolph-Chebyshev Synthesis
9.4 Taylor Line Source Synthesis
9.5 Planar 2-D Array Distributions
9.6 Circular Aperture Distributions
9.7 Iterative Synthesis Methods
9.8 MLE
Chapter 10 - Stochastic Aperture Errors in Phased Arrays
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Stochastic Error Budgets
10.3 Periodic (Correlated) Array Errors
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