By (author): A.S. Gilmour Jr.

Copyright: 2011
Pages: 864
ISBN: 9781608071845

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Microwave tubes are vacuum electron devices used for the generation and amplification of radio frequencies in the microwave range. An established technology area, the use of tubes remains essential in the field today for high-power applications. The culmination of the author's 50 years of industry experience, this authoritative resource offers you a thorough understanding of the operations and major classes of microwave tubes. Minimizing the use of advanced mathematics, the book places emphasis on clear qualitative explanations of phenomena.


This practical reference serves as an excellent introduction for newcomers to the field and offers established tube engineers a comprehensive refresher. Professionals find coverage of all major tube classifications, including klystrons, traveling wave tubes (TWTs), magnetrons, cross field amplifiers, and gyrotrons.

Table Of Contents

Introduction - The Microwave Spectrum. The Domain of Microwave Tubes. Classical Microwave Tube Types. Overview of This Book.; STATIC FIELDS PRODUCED BY ELECTRONS - Electric Field. Magnetic Field.; ELECTRON MOTION IN STATIC ELECTRIC FIELDS - Motion Parallel to Field. Relativistic Velocity Corrections. Electric Lenses. Universal Beam Spread Curve.; INFLUENCE OF MAGNETIC FIELD ON ELECTRON MOTION - Electron Motion in a Static Magnetic Field. Electron Motion in Combined Electric and Magnetic Fields.; THERMIONIC CATHODES - Emission Mechanisms. Evolution of Thermionic Cathodes. Impregnated Dispenser Cathodes. Life Considerations. Dispenser Cathode Surface Physics. Heaters.; ELECTRON GUNS - Pierce Guns. Beam Control Techniques.; ELECTRON BEAMS - Overview of Uniform-Field Focusing. Uniform-Field Focusing and Laminar Flow. Uniform-Field Focusing and Nonlaminar Flow. Focusing with Permanent Magnets. Ion Effects in Electron Beams.; BEAM-GAP INTERACTIONS - Beam Modulation. Current Induction. Beam Loading.; ELECTRON BUNCHING PRODUCED BY A GAP - Ballistic Bunching. Bunching with Space Charge Forces. Large Signal Levels.; BASIC KLYSTRONS AND THEIR OPERATION - The Invention and Basic Operation of the Klystron. Klystron Cavities. Small Signal Operation. Power Output Characteristics.; SPECIAL-PURPOSE KLYSTRONS - High-Efficiency Klystrons. High-Power Klystrons. Broadband Klystrons. Multiple Beam Klystrons. Extended Interaction Klystrons. Reflex Klystrons.; TRAVELING WAVE TUBES -Introduction. Traveling Wave Interaction. High-Level Interaction.; WAVE VELOCITIES AND DISPERSION - Group and Phase Velocity. Dispersion.; HELIX TWTS - Bandwidth. Gain. Power. Efficiency. Dual-Mode Operation. Microwave Power Modules. Ring Bar and Ring Loop TWTs.; COUPLED-CAVITY TWTS - Basic Operating Principles. Coupled-Cavity Structures. Fundamental Backward Wave Operation. Fundamental Forward Wave Operation. Terminations and Transitions.; COLLECTORS - Power Dissipation. Power Recovery. Collector Cooling.; CROSSED-FIELD TUBES - Basic Configuration of Crossed-Field Tubes. Electron Flow with No RF Fields.; CATHODES FOR CROSSED-FIELD TUBES -Introduction. Characteristics of Secondary Emission. Operation of Cathodes in Crossed-Field Devices.; MAGNETRONS - Types of Magnetrons. Operation of the Traveling Wave Magnetron. Moding. Coaxial Magnetrons. Inverted Magnetrons. Magnetron Tuning. Output Couplers and Transformers. Cathode and Heater Operation. Performance. Applications of Magnetrons. Summary of Power Capabilities.; CROSSED-FIELD AMPLIFIERS -Introduction. CFA Operation. CFA Slow Wave Circuits. CFA Performance. Power Capabilities. Thermal Considerations. CFA Power Supply Considerations.; GYROTRONS -Introduction. Basic Interaction Mechanism. MIG Configuration and Requirements. Beam-Wave Interaction. Gyro-Monotrons (Oscillators). Gyro-Amplifiers. Terahertz Gyrotrons.; WINDOWS - Background. Coaxial Windows. Waveguide Windows. Scaling of Windows.; NOISE - Thermal Agitation Noise. Definitions of Noise Figure. Overview of Noise Phenomena. Noise in Electron Guns. Noise Generation at the Cathode. The Space Charge Minimum Region. Low-Velocity Correlation Region. High-Voltage Acceleration Region. RF Section Noise Phenomena. Other Noise Sources. Minimum Noise Figure of a TWT.; NONLINEARITIES AND DISTORTION - Distortion Resulting from Saturation Effects. Digital Communications. Signal Capturing. Variations with Frequency. Pushing and Pulling.; BREAKDOWN AND PROTECTION - Field Enhancement. DC Breakdown in Vacuum. DC Breakdown on Insulator Surfaces. RF Breakdown in Vacuum. RF Breakdown of Insulators. DC Breakdown in Gas. RF Breakdown in Gas. Fault Detection and Tube Protection.; Appendices. Glossary. About the Author. Index ;


  • A.S. Gilmour, Jr. A.S. Gilmour, Jr. is a professor emeritus in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the State University of New York, Buffalo. He is a well-published author of books, journal articles, and conference proceedings, and has numerous patents to his credit. He received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Cornell University.