By (author): Kaustubh Dhondge

Copyright: 2021
Pages: 230
ISBN: 9781630818036

Our Price: $104.00
Our Price: $82.00


This comprehensive resource provides a thorough introduction to the security risks, attack vectors and vulnerabilities an Internet of things (IoT) product and its network can face at different phases of its lifecycle. The risks at each stage of the development and operations (DevOps) lifecycle of an IoT product are analyzed. Examples of recent, relevant security threats faced by the industry are discussed and why the security breach happened, how it was resolved, and what could have been done to avoid them will be explained. Readers will learn the best practices to secure their IoT products, and networks in a holistic way.


IoT and the diverse and unique nature of IoT applications across the commercial and industrial landscape, are introduced, including the need for securing IoT. The lifecycle of IoT security, specifically the security implementations that need to be carried out at various stages in the operational process of an IoT service are presented, as well as the security requirements during the planning, security integration, operational, maintenance, and planned discontinuation phase of an IoT service. The vulnerabilities in IoT, the various attack vectors exploited by attackers, and preventive measures that can be undertaken to avoid these security attacks are also explored.


Readers are acclimated with various steps that must be undertaken to prepare for IoT security attacks, and techniques that can be employed to detect them. Key challenges involved with implementing appropriate levels of security in IoT due to heterogeneity, interoperability, human errors, and commercial factors are discussed, as well as the need for regulatory guidance for the IoT industry and highlights specific examples of regulations in leading markets across the globe.

Table Of Contents

Introduction to IoT and its Applications; Lifecycle of IoT Security; Vulnerabilities in IoT Security; IoT Security Attack Vectors and Actors; Preventive and Defensive Measures to Counter IoT Security Threats; Detection and Identification of IoT Security Attacks; Practical Challenges in Implementing Appropriate Level of Security; Regulatory Guidance for the IoT Industry; Social and Commercial Impacts of IoT Security Failures; Recovering from IoT Security Incidents.


  • Kaustubh Dhondge

    is the founder of Glaukes Labs. He received his Ph.D. in telecommunication & computer networking and computer science from the University of Missouri, Kansas City.