By (author): JC Olivier

Copyright: 2018
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9781630816155

Our Price: $82.00


This new resource covers a wide range of content by focusing on theorems and examples to explain key concepts of signals and linear systems theory in fewer than 300 pages. Readers will learn how to compute the impulse response of an electronic circuit, design a filter in the presence of colored noise, and use the Z transform to design a digital filter.


The book covers transform theory and statespace analysis and design. Stochastic systems and signals, a topic that has become important recently with the advent of renewable energy, is also presented. The Ergodic theorem is discussed in detail, with specific, real world examples of its application to renewable power and energy systems as well as signal processing systems. The book also provides a self-contained introduction to the theory of probability.


Written for the practicing engineer and the student new to the subject, this comprehensive guide includes links to literature and online resources for the reader who wants additional information. In addition to numerous worked examples, this primer includes MATLAB® source code to assist readers with their projects in the field.

Table Of Contents

Part One - Time Domain Analysis; Introduction to Signals and Systems; Special Functions and a System Point of View, The Continuous Time Convolution Theorem; Examples and Applications of the Convolution Theorem; Discrete Time Convolution Theorem; Examples: Discrete Time Systems; Discrete LTI Systems: State Space Analysis; Part Two – System Analysis Based on Transformation Theory; The Fourier Transform applied to LTI Systems; The LaPlace Transform and LTI Systems; The Z Transform and Discrete LTI Systems; Signal Flow Graph Representation; Fourier Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems and Signals; Part Three – Stochastic Process and Linear Systems; Introduction to Random Processes and Ergodicity; Spectral Analysis of Random Processes; Discrete Time Filter Design in the Presence of Noise.


  • JC Olivier

    is currently a professor of engineering at the University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia. He received his B.Eng, M. Eng, and his Ph.D. in electronics engineering from University of Pretoria, RSA.


Review: Stevo's Book Reviews - January 1, 2019

This new resource covers a wide range of content by focusing on theorems and examples to explain key concepts of signals and linear systems theory in fewer than 300 pages. Readers will learn how to compute the impulse response of an electronic circuit, design a filter in the presence of colored noise, and use the Z transform to design a digital filter)