By (author): Davide Andrea

Copyright: 2020
Pages: 480
ISBN: 9781630817695

Our Price: $144.00
Our Price: $112.00


This comprehensive, two-volume resource provides a thorough introduction to lithium ion (Li-ion) technology. Readers get a hands-on understanding of Li-ion technology, are guided through the design and assembly of a battery, through deployment, configuration and testing. The book covers dozens of applications, with solutions for each application provided.


Volume Two focuses on small batteries in consumer products and power banks, as well as large low voltage batteries in stationary or mobile house power, telecom, residential, marine and microgrid. Traction batteries, including passenger, industrial, race vehicles, public transit, marine, submarine and aircraft are also discussed. High voltage stationary batteries grid-tied and off-grid are presented, exploring their use in grid quality, arbitrage and back-up, residential, microgrid, industrial, office buildings. Finally, the book explores what happens when accidents occur, so readers may avoid these mistakes. Written by a prominent expert in the field and packed with over 500 illustrations, these volumes contain solutions to practical problems, making it useful for both the novice and experienced practitioners.

Table Of Contents

Small batteries; Large low voltage batteries; Traction batteries; High voltage stationary batteries; Accidents; Appendix.


  • Davide Andrea Davide Andrea is the owner of Elithion LLC. He has more than 25 years of experience in the electronics industry and is a leading expert in the area of BMS development. He holds a B.S. in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of Colorado.