By (author): Piotr J. Durka

Copyright: 2007
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9781580533041

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This definitive work provides an innovative methodology for biomedical signal analysis. It helps bridge the gap from visual analysis of EEGs to advanced signal processing techniques, serving as the first clear guide to adaptive approximations and the matching pursuit (MP) algorithm. You find a review of signal processing essentials, written in plain English, from sampling of analog signals and the inner product, to spectral and time-frequency methods of signal analysis. This groundbreaking book introduces adaptive approximations and the basics of the matching pursuit algorithm, and explains advantages and limitations in applications relying on EEG analysis. From the parameterization of EEG transients to selective estimates of energy of relevant structures, various applications in sleep, ERD/ERS, pharmaco-EEG, and epilepsy research are explained, each spotlighting a unique feature of the matching pursuit algorithm. This comprehensive resource provides full mathematical details for all applications, including tricks necessary for efficient MP implementation, to help you modify procedures as needed or design all-new frameworks for analysis of biomedical signals. Moreover, software used in the applications can be downloaded free from the author's website.
Table Of Contents
Some Basic Notions Signal: Going Digital. Analysis. Spectrum. Between Time and Frequency. Choosing the Representation. Advantages of Adaptive Approximations. Caveats and Practical Issues. ; EEG Analysis Parameterization of EEG Transients. Epileptic Seizures. Event-Related Desynchronization and Synchronization. Selective Estimates of Energy. Spatial Localization of Cerebral Sources. ; Some Equations Adaptive Approximations and Matching pursuit. Implementation: Details and Tricks. Statistical Significance of Changes in the Time-Frequency Plane. ;


  • Piotr J. Durka Piotr J. Durka is an assistant professor at Warsaw University's Institute of Experimental Physics, Department of Biomedical Physics. He is the author of three books, several articles in peer-reviewed journals, and chapters in monographs and encyclopedias. Dr. Durka introduced the matching pursuit algorithm into the field of biomedical signals analysis. He holds an M.Sc., Ph.D. and Dr. Hab. in physics.