By (author): Stephen F. Bush

Copyright: 2010
Pages: 322
ISBN: 9781608070039

Our Price: $124.00
Our Price: $102.00

A highly useful resource for professionals and students alike, this cutting-edge, first-of-its-kind book provides a thorough introduction to nanoscale communication networks. Written in a clear tutorial style, this volume covers a wide range of the most important topics in the area, from molecular communication and carbon nanotube nano-networks, to nanoscale quantum networking and the future direction of nano networks. Moreover, the book features numerous exercise problems at the end of each chapter to ensure a solid understanding of the material.
Table Of Contents
Preface ; Acknowledgments ; Towards Nanonetworks - Brief Historical Context. Nanorobotics. Definition of Nanonetworks. Review of Nanotechnology Related to Communications. Today 's Sensor Networks. Relationship Between Physics and Information. Need for Self-Assembly. Need for Nanoscale Information Theory. Summary. Exercises. ; Molecular Motor Communication - Molecular Motors on Rails. Thermodynamics of Molecular Motors. Microtubules. Interfacing with Molecular Motors. Motor Velocity, Reliability, and Bandwidth-Delay Product. Information Theory and Molecular Motor Payload Capacity. Other Types of Motors. Summary. Exercises. ; Gap Junction and Cell Signaling -Introduction. Gap Junctions. Cell Signaling. Modeling Biological Signal Propagation and Diffusion. Olfactory and Other Biological Communication. Information Theoretic Aspects. Summary. Exercises. ; Carbon Nanotube-Based Nanonetworks -Introduction. Nanotubes as Field Effect Transistors. Nanotubes and Quantum Computing. A Single Carbon Nanotube Radio. Nanotubes and Graph Theory. Nanotubes and Self-Assembly. Semirandom Carbon Nanotube Networks. Summary. Exercises. ; Nanoscale Quantum Networking -Introduction. Primer on Quantum Computation. Quantum Entanglement. Teleportation. Summary. Exercises. ; Information Theory and Nanonetworks - Information Theory Primer. Quantum Information Theory. A Few Words on Self-Assembly and Self-Organizing Systems. Molecular Communication Theory. Summary. Exercises. ; Architectural Questions -Introduction. Architectural Properties Derived from a Finite Automata Model. Applying Lessons from Outer Space to Inner Space. Architecture of Extant In Vivo Wireless Systems. Active Network Architecture. Carbon Nanotube Network Architectures. The Quantum Network Architecture. Summary. Exercises. ; Conclusion - Olfactory Communication. An Internet of Nanoscale Networks. Optical Transmission Within Nanoscale Networks. Internetworking Nanoscale Networks. Nanoscale Network Applications. The Future of Nanonetworks. Exercises. ; Appendix. References. About the Author. Index ;


  • Stephen F. Bush Stephen F. Bush is a project leader at General Electric Corporate Research and Development and has been the principal investigator for many DARPA and Lockheed Martin sponsored research projects. Dr. Bush holds an M.S. in computer and information science from Cleveland State University and a Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Kansas