By (author): Jon Crowcroft

Copyright: 1996
Pages: 386
ISBN: 9780890068397

Our Price: $42.00
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This book's comprehensive coverage of distributed systems from the ODP perspective describes how a multimedia conferencing system can be built as a distributed application, how management can be modeled as a distributed application, and how a distributed file system can be built as an example of a user application. Includes 60 illustrations, 30 equations, and 100 references. Please note: This book is not available outside the US and Canada.
Table Of Contents
What are Open Distributed Systems? Modules, Communication, and Concurrency. Real Time and Reliable Systems. Security. Languages and Formal Methods. Communications Support. Open Distributed Systems Application Support. ODP Modeling of Multimedia Conferencing. Application to Network Management. Distributed File Systems. Load Balancing.


  • Jon Crowcroft