Copyright: 1998
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9780890068724

Our Price: $122.00
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Here's a unique, comprehensive guide to the standards for two personal wireless communication systems: digital enhanced cordless telecommunications (DECT) and personal wireless telecommunication (PWT). It covers important background material and technical principles, basic protocols and implementations, plus advanced features and the wide range of applications. The book gives you a detailed explanation of how these systems work - plus a complete overview of products and services. It quickly shows you...How history and previous technologies have shaped these standard; The best ways to implement DECT and PWT for private indoor speech and data systems, as well as for outdoor public access telephony; The basic architectures and fundamental principles which are essential to sound system design, rapid development and product success; How to apply the standards robustly, in applications such as cordless PABXs with corporate networking, applications with data communications, and wireless local-loop bypass systems; The technical requirements of the Federal Communications Commission, and the technical regulations essential for gaining type approval according to the latest European Union Directives; How to identify and take the right steps to minimize the possibility of operational failure in multi-vendor environments. This book is a valuable tool for practicing engineers, technical development managers, design teams, and business and marketing managers whose involvement in mobile communications requires a sound understanding of digital personal wireless communications systems.
Table Of Contents
AnIntroduction to DECT and PWT. The Technical Principles. Basic Protocols and Their Layering. The Physical Layer: Radio Frequency Access. Multi-Carrier Time Division Multiple Access. The Medium Access Control Layer. The Data Link Control Layer. The Network Layer. Advanced Applications: Cordless PABX. Wireless ISDN. Radio Local Loop Applications. Wireless Relay Stations. DECT/GSM Internetworking. Regulation and Type Approval.


  • Gerard MacNamee Gerard MacNamee is the founder of Personal Telecommunications Services Ltd. in the UK where he has been actively involved in European standardization programs. He holds a degree in Electronics from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK.
  • John A. Phillips John A. Phillips is the manager for European wireless access standards in the Advanced Technology Division of Nortel plc in the UK. He holds a B.Sc. in electronics from the University of Southampton, UK.