By (author): Kok Yeow You

Copyright: 2015
Pages: 314
ISBN: 9781608078233

Our Price: $112.00

This authoritative resource presents theoretical models of coaxial slot radiators. Numerical methods are used to present the solutions of those models, as well as focus on radiator applications, including measurements and calibration techniques. In each chapter, the experimental results are used to confirm the theoretical computer calculations. Both industry application aspects and academic theories and formulations are explored many with numerical calculations written in MATLAB code. In addition, this book contains many configurations and technical drawings providing the reader with more effective interpretation and explanation. This book provides easy to understand mathematical symbols, design guidelines, measurements, and applications for coaxial radiators suitable for both engineers and scientists.
Table Of Contents
Introduction to Coaxial Slot Radiators; Analytical Modeling of Open-Ended Coaxial Line Terminated by Half-Space Infinite Media; Analytical Modeling of Open-Ended Coaxial Line Terminated by Layered Media; Analytical Modeling of Bare Monopole Driven from Coaxial Line; Analytical Modeling of Dielectric-Coated Monopole Driven from Coaxial Line; Numerical Modeling: Method of Moments (MoM); Numerical Modeling: Finite-Difference Time Domain Method (FDTD); Calibration and Measurement Techniques of Coaxial Slot Radiators; Applications of Coaxial Slot Radiators.


  • Kok Yeow You Kok Yeow You is a senior lecturer at the faculty of electrical engineering at the University of Technology, Malaysia. You received his Master of Science in microwave engineering from the University Putra, Malaysia and his Ph.D. in wave Propagation from the Institution of Mathematical Research at the University Putra, Malaysia.