By (author): Barton Whaley

Copyright: 2007
Pages: 562
ISBN: 9781596931992

Our Price: $82.00

Out-of-print and out of the hands of military professionals for years, Artech House answers the demand and brings you the 2007 reprint of the sought-after, classic work, Stratagem: Deception and Surprise in War. This timeless and widely cited volume offers you a model and template of how to study and analyze deception operations. You get an historical analysis of deception and surprise, over 100 real-world case studies, and a set of methods that underlie and pervade the entire book. This unique resource takes a broad and deep look at surprise operations, presenting intriguing questions and hypotheses about the possible causes of surprise, including deception. Thoroughly referenced and supported with clear data tables, the case studies concentrate on the goals, planning, expectations, security, leaks, warnings, intelligence assessments, and final results.
Table Of Contents
Introduction to the 2007 Reprint.Preface. Acknowledgements. Stratagem in Warfare. Deception in National Military Doctrines. Surprise & Deception in Theory. A Theory of Stratagem. The Research Study. Speculative Conclusions. Surprise and Deception in General War. Bibliography.


  • Barton Whaley Barton Whaley is a visiting professor in the defense analysis department at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. He received his Ph.D. in political science from M.I.T.