Copyright: 2011
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781608071876

Our Price: $112.00

The Parameter Space Investigation (PSI) method was developed to help engineers with a wide range of multicriteria optimization problems, such as design, identification, design of control systems, and operational development of prototypes. This unique resource shows you how to use PSI to construct a feasible solution set without limitations on the number of parameters and criteria. The book presents visualization tools that are used to construct the feasible solution set, conduct multicriteria analysis, and correct the initial problem statement. You explore topics that have not been covered in any other books, including multicriteria analysis from observational data, multicriteria optimization of large-scale systems in parallel mode, adopting the PSI method for database searches, and interpretation of the prototype improvement problem. The book also offers guidance in understanding and using the accompanying, newly released MOVI software package. DVD Included: Contains MOVI software package version 1.4 that you can use together with the book to analyze real-world problems in the field.
Table Of Contents
Preface ; Introduction - Some Basic Features of Real-Life Optimization Problems. Generalized Formulation of Multicriteria Optimization Problems. Applying Single-Criterion Methods for Solving Multicriteria Problems. Systematic Search in Multidimensional Domains by Using Uniformly Distributed Sequences. ; Parameter Space Investigation Method as a Tool for Formulation and Solution of Real-Life Problems - The Parameter Space Investigation Method. Softù Functional Constraints and Pseudo-Criteria. More About Applying Single-Criterion Methods for Solving Multicriteria Problems. An Example of Optimization Problem Statement and Significant Challenge That It Presents. ; Using the PSI Method and MOVI Software System for Multicriteria Analysis and Visualization - Performing Tests. Construction of Feasible and Pareto Optimal Sets. Histograms and Graphs. Weakening Functional Constraints. ; Improving Optimal Solutions - Solving a New Optimization Problem. Construction of the Combined Pareto Optimal Set. ; Multicriteria Design - Multicriteria Analysis of the Ship Design Prototype. Problem with the High Dimensionality of the Design Variable Vector. Rear Axle Housing for a Truck: PSI Method with the Finite Element Method. Improving the Truck Frame Prototype. Multicriteria Optimization of Orthotropic Bridges. ; Multicriteria Identification - Adequacy of Mathematical Models. Multicriteria Identification and Operational Development. Vector Identification of a Spindle Unit for Metal-Cutting Machines. ; Other Multicriteria Problems and Related Issues - Search for the Compromise Solution When the Desired Solution Is Unattainable. Design of Controlled Engineering Systems. Multicriteria Analysis from Observational Data. Multicriteria Optimization of Large-Scale Systems in Parallel Mode. On the Number of Trails in the Real-Life Problems. ; Adopting the PSI Method for Database Search -Introduction. DBS-PSI Method. Searching for a Matching Partner. Summary. ; Multicriteria Analysis of L1 Adaptive Flight Control System - Objective of the Research. Prototype: Criteria and Design Variables. Solutions and Analysis. ; Conclusions. Appendix. About the Authors. Index ;


  • Roman Statnikov Roman Statnikov is a senior researcher and instructor in the Information Sciences Department at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA and is also a professor and principal research scientist in the Optimal Design Theory and Methods Laboratory at the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. He holds a Dr. Tech. Sci. degree in the theory of machines and mechanisms from the Mechanical Engineering Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. He received a Ph.D. on the same subject from Moscow State University of Railways.
  • Alexander Statnikov Alexander Statnikov is an assistant professor of clinical pharmacology at the Center for Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, New York University Langone Medical Center. He holds a Ph.D. in Biomedical Informatics from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.