By (author): Toni Janevski

Copyright: 2003
Pages: 390
ISBN: 9781580533317

Our Price: $109.00
Our Price: $72.00

Here's a unique new book that focuses on the future direction in wireless/mobile telecommunications as a standalone concept for building wireless IP systems, including commercial, campus, local, and global networks. It examines the integration of the Internet and mobile networks, which are merging as a result of global demand for seamless mobile communication. The book presents you with a solid analytical framework for traffic analysis in wireless IP networks and provides valuable analytical tools for network planning, dimensioning, and optimization for wireless IP networks in a multiple classes environment. It provides a novel approach for admission control in wireless IP networks, which considers both call level and packet level. A new approach for micro-mobility and location management helps you solve problems within a given wireless IP network domain, and improving traffic performance at handovers. The book introduces a new scheduling algorithm, which offers an efficient way to solve problems relating to scheduling in multi-class wireless IP networks under the influence of location-dependent bit errors in the wireless channel.
Table Of Contents
Introduction - Evolution process. Why wireless IP networks? Traffic issues. Design issues.; Third Generation Wireless Mobile Communications and Beyond -Introduction. Evolution of Wireless Communications. Second Generation Mobile Networks (2G). Evolution from 2G to 3G. Third Generation Mobile Networks (3G). Third Generation Mobile Applications and Services. Future Wireless Communication Networks beyond 3G. Discussion. References.; Wireless Mobile Internet -Introduction. Internet Protocol-IP. Transport Control of IP packets. Quality of Service provisioning in Internet.Introduction of Mobility in Internet. QoS Specifics of Wireless Networks. Discussion. References.; Teletraffic Theory -Introduction. Some Important Random Processes. Discrete Markov Chains. The Birth and Death Process. Teletraffic Theory for Loss Systems with full Accessibility Teletraffic Theory for Loss Systems with Multiple Traffic Types. Teletraffic Modeling of Wireless Networks. Principles of Dimensioning. Discussion. References.; Characterization and Classification of IP Traffic -Introduction. Characterization of IP Traffic. QoS Classification of IP Traffic. Statistical Characteristics. Discussion. References.; Architecture for Mobile IP Networks with Multiple Traffic Classes -Introduction. Architecture of Wireless IP Networks with Integrated Services. Conceptual Model of Network Nodes. Simulation Architecture for Performance Analysis. Wireless Link Model. Traffic Modeling. Mobility Modeling. Performance Parameters. Discussion. References.; Analytical Analysis of Multimedia Mobile Networks -Introduction. Analysis of Mobile Networks with Single Traffic Class. Analysis of Multimedia Mobile Networks with Deterministic Resource Reservation. Analysis of Multimedia Mobile Networks with Statistical Local Admission Control. Traffic Loss Analysis in Multi-class Mobile Networks. Traffic Analysis of CDMA Networks. Discussion. References. ; Admission Control Algorithm with QoS Support in Mobile IP Networks with Multiple Traffic Classes -Introduction. System Model. Hybrid Admission Control - HAC. Analytical Frame of HAC. Optimal Thresholds in Hybrid Admission Control Algorithm. Analysis of the Admission Control in Wireless Networks. Admission Control in wireless CDMA Networks. Discussions. References.; Performance Analysis of Cellular IP Networks -Introduction. Service Differentiation in Cellular Packet Networks. Handover in Cellular Networks. Network Model. Simulation Analysis in Wireless IP Networks. Discussion. References.; Handover Agents for QoS Support -Introduction. Handover Agent (Hag) Algorithm for Wireless IP Networks. Routing in Wireless Access Network. Location Control and Paging. Discovery of the Crossover Node. Performance Analysis of the HAg Scheme. Discussion. References.; QoS Provisioning in Wireless IP Networks Through Class-Based Flexible Fair Queuing -Introduction. Wireless Network and Channel Model. Design of Wireless Scheduling Algorithms. Wireless Class-Based Flexible Queuing (WCBFQ). Simulation Analysis. Discussion. References.; Conclusions. ;


  • Toni Janevski Toni Janevski is a Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedionia, where he received his Dipl. Ing. in electronics and telecommunications, M.S. in computer science and informatics, and his Ph.D. in telecommunications.