Copyright: 2017
Pages: 500
ISBN: 9781630814434

Our Price: $112.00


This resource provides a comprehensive treatment of the methods, analysis, and practice of impulse and ultrawideband (UWB) systems.  Sources, antennas, propagation, electromagnetic theory, and actual practical systems are explored. This book provides novel perspective on impulse and short-pulse wireless engineering along with practical guidance on how to build antennas and radio hardware for high-power impulse signals.  Theoretical and experimental results in the time-frequency domain are presented.


The book explains and discusses the scattering of UWB electromagnetic pulses by conducting and dielectric objects. Impulse responses of objects and propagation channels are explored with details of signal models and their spectral characteristics and uses of regularization of a Kramers-Kroning type relation for estimating transfer functions. Readers gain insight into the development of high-power sources of UWB radiation with megavolt effective potential on the base of combined antenna arrays excited with bipolar voltage pulses.  This in-depth volume includes chapters on receiving antennas, transmitting antennas, and antenna arrays along with details on high-power UWB radiation sources as well as problem sets.


Supplemental Materials:

Click here to download 4 additional chapters not originally published.

Table Of Contents

Introduction to Ultrawideband, Short-Pulsed Radio Systems; Ultrawideband Pulse Radiation;Propagation of Ultrawidband Pulses; Scattering of Ultrawideband Electromagnetic Pulses By Conducting and Dielectric Objects; Impulse Responses of Objects and Propagation Channels; Receiving Antennas; Transmitting Antennas; Antenna Arrays; High–Power Ultrawideband Radiation Sources.


  • Vladimir I. Koshelev received his D.Sc. from the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, where he now heads the Microwave Electronics Laboratory at the Institute of High Current Electronics.
  • Victor P. Belichenko received his M.S., Ph.D., and D.Sc. degrees from the Tomsk State University and is a senior researcher of the Microwave Electronics Laboratory at the Institute of High Current Electronics. He is also a professor in the Radiophysics department of the Siberian Physical-Technical Institute of Tomsk State University.
  • Yury I. Buyanov received his Ph.D. from the Tomsk State University and is currently an associate professor in the Radiophysics department. He is also a part-time senior researcher at the Microwave Electronics Laboratory at the Institute of High Current Electronics.