Copyright: 2002
Pages: 372
ISBN: 9781580538008

Our Price: $102.00

Written from an engineering perspective, this unique resource describes the practical application of wavelets to the solution of electromagnetic field problems and in signal analysis with an even-handed treatment of the pros and cons. A key feature of this book is that the wavelet concepts have been described from the filter theory point of view that is familiar to researchers with an electrical engineering background. The book shows you how to design novel algorithms that enable you to solve electrically, large electromagnetic field problems using modest computational resources. It also provides you with new ideas in the design and development of unique waveforms for reliable target identification and practical radar signal analysis. The book includes more then 500 equations, and covers a wide range of topics, from numerical methods to signal processing aspects.
Table Of Contents
Roadmap of the book. Wavelets from an Electrical Engineering Perspective. Application of Wavelets in Solution of Operator Equations. Solving Matrix equations using the Wavelet Transform. Solving Differential form of Maxwell 's Equations. Adaptive Multiscale Moment Method. Continuous Wavelet transform and its relationship to the Fourier Transform. T-Pulse: Windows that are strictly time limited and practically band limited. Optimal selection of a signal dependent basis and Denoising. Selected Bibliographies.


  • Magdalena Salazar-Palma Magdalena Salazar-Palma is a professor titular in the Departmento de Senales, Sistemas y Radiocommunicaciones at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain. She obtained a Ph. D. from the same university. She is a co-author of Iterative and Self-Adaptive Finite-Elements in Electromagnetic Modeling (Artech House, 1998). She is the chairperson of the Spain section of IEEE.
  • Tapan K. Sarkar Tapan K. Sarkar is a professor in the department of electrical engineering and computer science at Syracuse University, where he received his Ph.D. A fellow of the IEEE, he is coauthor of Wavelet Applications in Engineering Electromagnetics and Iterative and Self-Adaptive Finite-Elements in Electromagnetic Modeling (Artech House, 2002, 1998), as well as the co-creator of several software packages.
  • Michael C. Wicks Michael C. Wicks is a principal engineer at the US Air Force Research Laboratory in the Sensor Directorate, Radar Signal Processing Branch. He holds a Ph.D. from Syracuse University. He is a fellow of the IEEE. He is on the Board of Governors for IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems and is the Chairman of the IEEE Radar Systems Panel.