Copyright: 1999
Pages: 440
ISBN: 9780890065693

Our Price: $122.00

As customers migrate en masse from private lines to frame relay/ATM technologies, the need for effective multi-protocol wide-area networks increases dramatically. With this new book, network designers and engineers get the help they need to ensure that hardware, software, and data transport devices deliver the expected level of performance in this challenging environment. Using this practical guide, you acquire the skills you need to design a router network carrying a variety of traffic, including Internet and intranet, over frame relay devices. You gain a comprehensive understanding of routers, protocols including TCP/IP, SNA, and Novell, protocol behavior over a WAN, applications, performance engineering, network management and maintenance, and more. For WAN analysts and managers, this is an indispensable resource to keep on-hand while operating, maintaining, upgrading, or migrating existing networks. It helps you make difficult decisions involving hardware, software, frame relay and private lines, ATM, and application benchmarking to test new applications on the WAN. Sales and marketing professionals dealing with WAN technology will also find this an important reference for understanding the potential of WAN and related multiprotocol applications.
Table Of Contents
Introduction. Background. High Speed Networking. SNA Internetworking in a Multiprotocol Environment. WAN Performance Analysis - Basic Concepts and Familiar Formulae. Frame Relay Performance Characteristics. Computing Delay and Throughput Metrics in TCP/IP and Novell Networks. Multiprotocol SNA Networks - Designing and Optimizing Performance. Case Studies. Conclusions. Appendices. References.


  • Robert G. Cole Robert Cole is a Technical Manager with AT&T Laboratories and received his BSc. in Professional Physics from the University of Miami and his Ph.D. in Theoretical Chemical Physics from Iowa State University.
  • Ravi Ramaswamy Ravi Ramaswamy is a District Manager with AT&T Managed Network Solutions. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Probability from the University of Rochester in New York