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Artech House USA


Final Manuscript Checklist

Before you submit your final and complete manuscript, please use this checklist to ensure that your manuscript is ready. If you have any questions, pleae call the Artech house acquisitions department.

Please ensure that you have:

  • Numbered all the pages
  • Included a comprehensive table of contents, preface, keyword list, and brief author biography
  • Included all figures separately from the text and at the back of each chapter
  • Numbered all figures
  • Enclosed the completed permissions forms (please indicate which figure in your manuscript each permission relates to)
  • Enclosed an electronic version of both text and art that is identical to the hard copy and in a format Artech has approved. Each chapter should be in a separate electronic file, and all files should be checked for viruses.
  • Clearly labeled the disks with your name, book title, the contents of the disk, and the program and version in which the files were prepared, as well as the operating system you used

Note: All artwork must be submitted as original printouts from a laser printer of at least 600 dpi. Xeroxes, photocopies, or scanned figures are not acceptable. Please note that our production department can request changes to the artwork when the manuscript is first evaluated (immediately after submission) AND with the first copyedit.

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