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Online eBook Reader

The online eBook reader provides an interface to navigate and read your Artech House eBooks online. It offers you the ability to personalize your eBook with notes, citations, bookmarks, and highlights as well as print and download options. The main interface features the following tools:

  1. Document: Displays the main document view
  2. Overview: Displays a grid view of each page
  3. Text: Displays a text-only view of the document
  4. Notes: Displays any document notes you have created
  5. Citations: Displays any document citations you have created
  6. Bookmarks: Displays any document bookmarks you have created
  7. Help: Diplays instructions for the online reader. For more information on ArtechHouse eBooks, please visit our eBook help page.
  8. Exit: Closes the document and returns you to your eBook Library
  9. Search Text: Performs full-text document search for your keyword(s)
  10. Navigation: Allows you to navigate the document page-by-page or go directly to a page by entering in a page number.
  11. Notes: Allows you to create a note for the current page. Your notes are then collected in the Notes screen, which you can reach by clicking the "Notes" navigation tab as described above. Alternatively, notes for a given page are accessible by clicking one of the small yellow tabs to the left of the printed page.
  12. Citation: Allows you to create a citation for the current page, which will be gathered in the Citations screen (reached by clicking the "Citations" navigation tab as described above). If you have already created a citation for the current page, this icon will have a green border, and clicking the icon offers you the chance to remove the citation instead.
  13. Bookmark: Allows you to add a bookmark for the current page, which will be gathered in the Bookmarks screen and also displayed in the Overview screen (reached by clicking the "Bookmarks" and "Overview" navigation tabs as described above). If you have already added a bookmark for the current page, this icon will have an orange border, and clicking the icon offers you the chance to remove the bookmark instead.
  14. Highlight: Allows you to mark up sections of the page. Click the icon, and the mouse cursor will turn into crosshairs when over the printed page. The first click starts the rectangle drawing and the second click stops. Your markups are automatically saved. Click the small "X" within the rectangle to remove it. This tool is only available on the "Document" screen. On the "Text" screen, you can highlight text by simply selecting the text with your mouse (or fingers, on a touch-screen device). The highlighted text will automatically be saved for your next visit.
  15. Zoom: Allows you to magnify or shrink the page image, either by clicking within the slider area or using the "+" and "-" buttons. Your selected level of magnification will be remembered for successive pages and also for the next time you use the ereader (assuming you are using the same computer and that you have cookies enabled). The "Zoom" icon is only available on the "Document" screen.
  16. Download: Allows you to download a copy of the document for offline reading. For more information on how to proerly setup your downloaded eBook, please visit our eBook help page.
  17. Print: Provides options for selecting a printer and page range for printing up to 20% of a document every 30 days.


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