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Artech House USA

Reasons to Publish With Artech

1. Our commitment to publishing the best state-of-the-art books
Artech House is a sister company of Horizon House Publications, Inc., publishers of Telecommunications and Microwave Journal. Our association with these internationally acclaimed publications has helped Artech House establish itself as a premier publisher in our fields. We have developed a strong reputation and tradition in the technical publishing profession, and have attracted a distinguished list of authors who are at the forefront of technology. Artech House is committed to providing high-quality books and software to working engineers and managers in your profession.

2. Artech House books solve problems
For over thirty years, Artech House has provided our customers with timely, practical information designed to solve real-world engineering problems. Artech House publishes the books you and your colleagues use at the office, in the laboratory, and in the classroom. In each of our areas of expertise, Artech House books cover the technology spectrum, ranging from introductory-level works to very specialized, advanced volumes. These books include technical references, application engineering handbook, monographs, management guides and textbooks. In addition, we deliver added value in the form of reasonably priced yet powerful software, either as stand-alone packages or as companions to selected texts.

3. Enjoy professional prestige
Start getting the professional respect that goes with publishing a book with Artech House. You will enjoy added credibility in your profession when you join our extensive list of authors. Our authors represent a broad spectrum of backgrounds, including industry, government and academia. Many Artech House authors enjoy the benefits of using their own books in their consulting practices, in university-level courses, and in professional continuing education seminars.

4. Expert reviewers at your service
Artech House maintains close relationships with technical advisors in academia and industry throughout the world. These advisors provide us with technical reviews and recommendations on every proposal and manuscript we receive. Our Series Editors are world-renowned experts who are available to help you develop your book with a view toward ensuring technical accuracy while maximizing market appeal.

5. You get our personal attention and helpful advice
Artech House offers personal service to our authors and our customers, making it easier for you to become a published author. Our in-house staff is composed of publishing professionals who know how to publish books and who can provide guidance at each step of your project, from proposal to bound book. Artech House asks for your ideas at all stages of your book’s development, including scheduling, internal artwork, cover design, and marketing. Artech House knows that publishing a book is a cooperative venture, and we work to ensure that you are happy with the end result.

6. Efficient, flexible production
Artech House provides a 50-page Author’s Guide (which is available on the author page) which discusses in detail how to prepare and deliver your manuscript most efficiently. Our production group will work with you to select the optimum format for manuscript delivery - hard-copy manuscripts, electronic files, or camera-ready.

7. Strict Quality Control
Artech House’s production and editorial staffs constantly monitor all work, reducing costly errors. We scrutinize all work to ensure accuracy and adherence to our quality standards. Plus, you have the opportunity to review for yourself our work at each stage of the production process.

8. High Quality Materials
Artech House books are made to last. Our books are printed on archival-quality paper and are case-bound with sewn bindings for durability. Each book is individually shrink-wrapped at the bindery so that every customer receives mint-condition copies.

9. Speed to market
Artech House recognizes the value to our customers of timely information, so we produce your book quickly: a five- to six-month publishing schedule when working with hardcopy manuscripts compared with other publishers’ 18-month schedules. Our tight production schedules generally follow this timetable:

editing and typsesetting 8 weeks
galleys to you for proofreading 3 weeks
paste-up of your books 4 weeks
page proofs to you for proofreading 3 weeks
printing and binding 6 weeks

When working with manuscripts submitted as electronic files or in camera-ready format, the production process is even faster.

10. Global marketing and promotion
As a leading publisher in our fields, Artech House has the expertise and experience to market and promote your book worldwide. We maintain the world’s largest and most responsive customer list of domestic and international technical book buyers in our specialty areas. An extensive promotional plan is developed for each new book, including a worldwide direct mail campaign, advertising in trade journals and on the web, exhibition at relevant technical conferences, and reviews in international scientific and academic publications. Artech House provides year-round promotion of your book.

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