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Advanced Traveler Information Systems

Advanced Traveler Information Systems

By (author)s: Kan Chen, Bob McQueen
Copyright: 2002
Pages: 260
ISBN: 9781580531337

Hardback $99.00
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Advanced Traveler Information Systems explores the whole traveler information supply chain, from needs analysis and data collection to information processing and dissemination. It provides you with the first comprehensive, balanced view of both the public and private sides of the traveler information business. You get an in-depth review of the public sector information domain with extensive case studies, practical advice and guidance based on real world experiences. This book directly addresses the need to provide sufficient information to support travel behavoir changes and make the best use of limited public funds. It offers you a sound perspective on the key issue of fair valuation of traveler information related data, and presents some possible new approaches for you to consider. If you are seeking the latest information on transportation efficiency and effectiveness, or looking for ways to exploit related new opportunities in the field, this book is essential reading for you.
Introduction. What are Traveler Information Systems? - Traveler Information Systems Technologies. Traveler Information Systems - The Major Players. Public Objectives. Private Enterprise. Cultural Differences. The Traveler Information Supply Chain. The Market for Information. The Data Gap. Public/Private Partnership Attributes. Business Models. How Travel Information Systems Fit Into The ITS Future Big Picture. Case Studies - USA, Europe, South East Asia. Some Advice on Traveler Information Systems. Checklist of Activities or Things to Consider. Summary.
  • Kan Chen Kan Chen is Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan. An IEEE, AAAS and ITS AMERICA Fellow, he received his B.EE. from Cornell University, and S.M. and Sc.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Chen holds several patents, has authored 7 books and over 140 articles published in professional journals.
  • Bob McQueen

    is CEO of Bob McQueen and Associates. He earned his B.S. in civil engineering at the University of Strathclyde, Glascow, Scotland, and his M.S. in highways and transportation from City University, London, England.

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