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Artech House USA
Information Security and Privacy Series Editor Rolf Oppliger

Security and Privacy

Items 1 to 5 of 67
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Learning and Experiencing Cryptography with CrypTool and SageMath

By (author): Bernhard Esslinger
Published: 01/31/2024
Pages: 640
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SSL and TLS: Theory and Practice, Third Edition

By (author): Rolf Oppliger
Published: 07/31/2023
Pages: 388
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Modern Vulnerability Management: Predictive Cybersecurity

By (author)s: Michael Roytman, Ed Bellis
Published: 09/30/2022
Pages: 265
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Lifecycle IoT Security for Engineers

By (author): Kaustubh Dhondge
Published: 09/30/2021
Pages: 230
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Cryptography 101: From Theory to Practice

By (author): Rolf Oppliger
Published: 06/30/2021
Pages: 650
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