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Chipless RFID Reader Architecture

Chipless RFID Reader Architecture

Copyright: 2013
Pages: 326
ISBN: 9781608075621

Digital download and online $112.00 Qty:
In the era of information communication technology (ICT), radio frequency identification (RFID) has been going through tremendous development. RFID technology has the potential of replacing barcodes due to its large information carrying capacity, flexibility in operations, and applications. The deployment of RFID has been hindered by its cost. However, with the advent of low powered ICs, energy scavenging techniques, and low-cost chipless tags, RFID technology has achieved significant development. This book addresses the new reader architecture, presents fundamentals of chipless RFID systems, and covers protocols. It also presents proof-of-concept implementations with potential to replace trillions of barcodes per year. Overall, this resource aims to not only explain the technology, but to make the chipless RFID reader system a viable commercial product for mass deployment. It is certainly a very useful resource in the new field.
Introduction - Chipless RFID. Chipless RFID Tag Reader. Executive Summaries. Conclusion. Questions. Qualitative and Descriptive Questions. Numerical Questions. ; Chipless RFID System Operating Principles - Chipless RFID Tags. Multiresonator Based Chipless RFID Tag. Methods for Reading RFID Tags. Conclusion. ; Chipless RFID Readers -Introduction to Chipless RFID Readers. Chipless RFID Reader System Architectures. Chipless RFID Readers and Tag Reading Techniques. Limitations and Issues with Current Chipless RFID Readers. Conclusion. ; Frequency Domain Based RFID Reader Development -Introduction. Operation of Frequency Domain. Based Chipless RFID Readers. Design of Frequency Domain Based Chipless RFID Readers. Results. Conclusion. ; Time Domain Based Chipless RFID Reader -Introduction. Theory of Operation of a Time Domain Based Chipless RFID Reader. Design of UWB TD Based Chipless RFID Reader. Results. Conclusion. ; Hybrid Chipless RFID Reader -Introduction. Frequency-Phase Based System. Frequency-Polarization Based System. Frequency-Time Based System. Conclusion. ; Antennas for Chipless RFID Readers -Introduction. Antenna Parameters. Review of UWB Antennas. Practical Design Procedure for UWB Antennas. UWB Antenna Development. Applications. Conclusion. ; Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Active and Passive Components -Introduction. Passive Components. Active Components. Discussion and Conclusions. ; Digital Module for Chipless RFID Readers -Introduction. Digital Control Board. Digital Signal Processing Board. Middleware. Performance of Digital Control Section. Conclusion. ; RFID Reader System Integration and Applications -Introduction. The Integrated Chipless RFID Reader. Specifications of a Generic Chipless RFID Reader. Applications. Conclusion. ;
  • Rubayet E-Azim Rubayet E-Azim is currently working toward a Ph.D. in engineering at Monash University in Clayton, Australia.
  • Prasanna Kalansuriya Prasanna Kalansuriya is currently working toward a Ph.D. in electrical and computer systems engineering at Monash University in Clayton, Australia.
  • Nemai Chandra Karmakar

    , a current senior member of the IEEE, obtained his B.Sc (EEE) and M.Sc (EEE) from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, his M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, his PhD degree from the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia in 1999, Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching in Higher Education from The National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Master in Higher Education from Griffith University, Australia. Previously, he worked as an Assistant Engineer in Electronics Institute, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Dhaka, Bangladesh, a Research Assistant at the Communications Research Group, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, as a Microwave Design Engineer at Mitec Ltd., Brisbane, Australia where he contributed to the development of land mobile satellite antennas for the Australian Mobilesat. Dr. Karmakar currently works in the Faculty of Engineering at Monash University as an Associate Professor within the department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering and he is the director of Monash Microwave, Antennas, RFID and Sensors (MMARS) Lab.

  • Randika Koswatta Randika Koswatta is currently working toward a Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Monash University in Clayton, Australia.
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