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Digital Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data

Digital Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data

By (author)s: Ian G. Cumming, Frank H. Wong
Copyright: 2004
Pages: 660
ISBN: 9781580530583

Artech House is pleased to offer you this title in a special In-Print-Forever® ( IPF® ) hardbound edition. This book is not available from inventory but can be printed at your request and delivered within 2-4 weeks of receipt of order. Please note that because IPF® books are printed on demand, returns cannot be accepted.

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This cutting-edge resource offers you complete how-to guidance on digital processing of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. You discover how SAR is used to obtain a high-resolution image from a satellite and learn the mathematical structure and spectral properties of the signal received from a SAR system. Supported with over 600 equations and over 250 figures, the book arms you with state-of-the-art signal processing algorithms and helps you choose the best algorithm for a given SAR system and image quality requirements. This hands-on reference shows you how to process received SAR data into a well-focused image on a digital computer, using the popular range Doppler, chirp scaling, omega-K and SPECAN algorithms.


In addition, the book teaches you how to process ScanSAR data using the full-aperture, SPECAN, short IFFT and extended chirp scaling algorithms. You also learn how to estimate the Doppler centroid frequency and azimuth FM rate from a geometry model or from received data. Written from a digital signal processing point of view, this authoritative volume can be fully understood by professionals with a general electrical engineering background.


Supplementary Material:

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Foreword.Preface.Introduction. Signal Processing Fundamentals. Pulse Compression. Synthetic Aperture Concepts. SAR Signal Properties. The Range Doppler Algorithm. The Chirp Scaling Algorithm. The Omega-K Algorithm. The SPECAN Algorithm. Processing ScanSAR Data. Comparison of Algorithms. Doppler Centroid Estimation. Automatic Focusing. Data CD. List of Acronyms and Symbols. References.
  • Ian G. Cumming Ian G. Cumming is a professor in the department of electrical and computer engineering at the University of British Columbia. A member of the IEEE, he holds a B.A.Sc. in engineering physics from the University of Toronto and a Ph.D. in computing and automation from Imperial College, University of London.
  • Frank H. Wong Frank H. Wong is a senior engineer with MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates. He holds a B.Eng. in electrical engineering from McGill University, an M.Sc. in electrical engineering from Queen's University, and a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of British Columbia.
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