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Artech House USA
IS-136 TDMA Technology Economics and Services

IS-136 TDMA Technology Economics and Services

Copyright: 1998
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9780890067130

Hardback $122.00
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Here's the first single, comprehensive source of in-depth, yet clearly explained, information on IS-136 and IS-54 TDMA digital radio technology currently being introduced worldwide. The book presents a big-picture description of IS-136 TDMA technology in cellular, PCS, and cordless applications and explains how the technology works, what its costs/benefits are, and what types of products and services are available. In 10 chapters and three helpful appendices structured for quick, easy reference, the author unravels complex industry specifications and requirements and, using detailed graphic illustrations, offers you understandable, accessible information that helps you: Learn how IS-136 and IS-54 radio transmission, telephone equipment, and system network operation work; Differentiate between IS-54 TDMA and the recently evolved IS-136; Recognize the marketable benefits of these new digital systems, including enhanced battery life, voice privacy, anti-fraud, and the potential for messaging service; Understand the conversion process required to change analog systems to IS-136 and IS-54 technology; Learn why cellular service providers in more than a dozen countries are moving to from analog or IS-54 technology to IS-136. This unique book is a user friendly, single-source reference for engineers, technicians, project managers, and marketers in cellular and PCS services and equipment.
Introduction to Cellular and PCS. Analog Cellular Systems. TDMA Technology. TDMA Mobile Telephones. TDMA Networks. Testing. Data Services. Multi-Mode, Multi-Band Requirements. Marketing and Economics. Features and Services. Appendixes: Acronyms, TDMA Equipment Suppliers, TDMA Standards.
  • Lawrence Harte
  • Charles A. Jacobs
  • Adrian D. Smith
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