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Microwave Scattering and Emission Models for Users

Microwave Scattering and Emission Models for Users

By (author)s: Kun-Shan Chen, Adrian K. Fung
Copyright: 2009
Pages: 450
ISBN: 9781608070381

Digital download and online $82.00 Qty:
Today, microwave remote sensing has evolved into a valuable and economical tool for a variety of applications. It is used in a wide range of areas, from geological sensing, geographical mapping, and weather monitoring, to GPS positioning, aircraft traffic, and mapping of oil pollution over the sea surface. This unique resource provides you with practical scattering and emission data models that represent the interaction between electromagnetic waves and a scene on the Earth surface in the microwave region. The book helps you understand and apply these models to your specific work in the field. CD-ROM Included: Contains Mathematica code for all the scattering and emission models presented the book, so you can easily use the models for your own applications.
Introduction to Microwave Scattering and Emission Models for Users -Introduction. Organization. Model Definitions for Active and Passive Sensing.; The Small Perturbation Surface Backscattering Model -Introduction. Isotropic Exponential Correlation with a Gaussian Height Distribution. Isotropic Gaussian Correlation with a Gaussian Height Distribution. Isotropic x-power Correlation with a Gaussian Height Distribution. Isotropic x-exponential Correlation with a Gaussian Height Distribution. Isotropic Exponential-like Correlation with a Gaussian Height Distribution. Discussion.; The Simplified Integral Equation Surface Backscattering Model -Introduction. Isotropic Exponential Correlation. Isotropic Gaussian Correlation. Isotropic x-Power Correlation. Isotropic x-Exponential Correlation. Isotropic exponential-Like Correlation. Discussion.; The IEM-B Surface Backscattering Model -Introduction. Isotropic Exponential Correlation. Isotropic Gaussian Correlation. Isotropic x-Power Correlation. Isotropic x-Exponential Correlation. Isotropic Exponential-Like Correlation. Illustration of Surface Parameter Selection. Discussion.; Backscattering from Multiscale Surfaces -Introduction. Backscattering from MultiScale Rough Surfaces. Anisotropically Rough Surfaces. Discussion.; Bistatic Properties of the IEM-B Surface Scattering Model -Introduction. The Bistatic Scattering Coefficients. Theoretical Behaviors and Model comparisons. Comparisons with Bistatic Scattering from Known Surfaces. Discussion.; The Standard Moment Method -Introduction. Generation of Digital Surfaces. Two-Dimensional Surface Scattering Simulation. Simulation Parameter Selection for Single-Scale Rough Surfaces. Comparisons with Measurements from Known Rough Surfaces. Discussion. ; Model for Scattering from a Low-Dielectric Layer of Rayleigh Scatterers with Irregular Layer Boundaries -Introduction. Geometry of the Scattering Problem. Rayleigh Layer Parameters. Theoretical Studies. Comparison with Measurements. Discussion.; Emission Models for Rough Surfaces and a Rayleigh Layer with Irregular Layer - Boundaries.Introduction. Rough Surface Emission. Parameter Effects of THE Surface Emission Model. Comparison with Measurements. Rayleigh Layer over a Rough Surface. Emission from a Rayleigh LayerNumerical Solution. Discussion.; About the Authors. Index.;
  • Kun-Shan Chen
  • Adrian K. Fung Adrian K. Fung was previously the director of the Wave Scattering Research Center and Jenkins Garrett professor of electrical engineering, and a member of the Academy of Distinguished Scholars at the University of Texas at Arlington. Dr. Fung is also a life fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and a member of U.S. Commission F of the International Scientific Radio Union. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Kansas, Lawrence.
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