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Nanoreactor Engineering for Life Sciences and Medicine

Nanoreactor Engineering for Life Sciences and Medicine

Copyright: 2008
Pages: 283
ISBN: 9781596931589

Hardback $129.00 Qty:
Digital download and online $82.00 Qty:
This first-of-its-kind book presents latest advances in bionanoreactor design and refinement, focusing on the potentially huge applications in cell biology, tissue engineering, and medical diagnostics and therapies. You get full details on the research, practice, synthesis, and characterization of nanoreactors, including 14 actual systems with biomedical relevance explained in full by the pioneers who are developing them. This trail-blazing volume covers nanoreactor essentials, including a review of synthetic procedures and materials used to develop various nanoreactor configurations. It explores nanoreactor theory and design, highlighting the fundamental differences between molecular events in macroscale and nanoscale reactors. The book offers a clear look at the dominating role of interfaces and how they affect nanoreactor properties and processes. Moreover, it shows how chemical reaction engineering can be applied in analyzing thermodynamics of self-assembly, colloidal stability, reaction kinetics and stochastic effects, and nanoreactor optimization. The book explores integrated nanoreactor systems, covering a theoretical treatment of how nanoreactors can be mobilized inside cells and tissues or as nanostructured films or coatings. Supported by over 100 diagrams and 250 equations, this definitive resource spotlights 14 bionanoreactor systems in development, including organic polymers, vesicles, polymer-stabilized liposomes, artificial protein cages, stem cells, DNA architectures, and others.
Introduction to Nanoreactor TechnologyThe Nanoreactor Concept, and Why it is Unique Compared to Conventional Chemical Reactor Systems. Potential of Nanoreactors for the Life Sciences & Medicine. Materials and Synthesis Strategies Used in Nanoreactor Development. Theory, Principles, and Design of NanoreactorsDistinction Between Macroscale and Nanoscale Chemical Reactors. Nanoreactor Engineering. Integrated Systems of Nanoreactors. Examples of SystemsOrganic Polymers. Miniemulsions. Nanoemulsions. Vesicles. Polymer-Stabilized Liposomes. Core-shell Nanoreactors. Mesoporous Materials. Nanotubes. Nanotube-Vesicle Networks. Artificial Protein Cages. DNA Architectures. Viral Capsids. Bacterial Cells. Stem Cells.; To view complete TOC:; Click Google Preview button under book title above, then click on Contents tab.;
  • Katharina Landfester Katharina Landfester is a professor at the University of Ulm, Germany, and head of the Institute of Organic Chemistry III - Macromolecular Chemistry and Organic Materials. She earned her Ph.D. at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz.
  • Alexander Moukasian Alexander Moukasian is research professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame. He received his Ph.D. from the Institute of Chemical Physics, Russia, and his D.Sc. from the Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science, Russia.
  • Agnes Ostafin Agnes Ostafin is head of the Ostafin Nanobiotechnology Group at the University of Utah and an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Notre Dame. She has published over 30 papers and book chapters on topics in bioengineering and nanotechnology. Dr. Ostafin earned her Ph.D. in chemical physics at the University of Minnesota.
  • Lakshmi Sridar Lakshmi Sridar is a professor of chemical engineering at the University of Puerto Rico. He received his Ph.D. in chemical engineering at Clarkson University.
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