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Artech House USA
Sonar Signal Processing

Sonar Signal Processing

By (author): Richard O. Nielsen
Copyright: 1991
Pages: 380
ISBN: 9780890064535

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This comprehensive tutorial on sonar signal processing integrates key elements of detection and estimation theory, filter theory, conventional and high-resolution spectral estimation and array processing, fast transforms, matrix analysis, and digital signal processing - all with an emphasis on practical design issues. It is supported by 171 illustrations, 305 equations, and 145 references to the open literature.
Preface. Overview of Digital Signal Processing. Conventional Beamforming. Optimum Detection and Estimation in Passive Sonar. Practical Implementations of Optimum Sonar Detectors and Estimators. Active Sonar. Conventional Passive Sonar System. Matrix Processing For Sonar. Mapping Matrix Algorithms onto Processor Arrays. Recent Developments Glossary. Index.
  • Richard O. Nielsen
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