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Artech House USA
Systems Engineering Principles and Practice

Systems Engineering Principles and Practice

By (author): H. Robert Westerman
Copyright: 2000
Pages: 400
ISBN: 9781580531825

Hardback $104.00 Qty:
Digital download and online $72.00 Qty:
If you're new to systems engineering, or simply want to broaden your view of the field, here's an excellent resource that gives you a sound understanding of systems engineering principles and practical guidance in doing the job. You get a step-by-step approach to a systems engineering assignment and a thoroughly explained set of dimensions to a system that enables you to start new projects with speed and confidence. The book also identifies profitable interactions amongst systems engineers and development engineers, management, and customers. Well-illustrated chapters cover everything from describing systems engineering activities, defining system objectives and measures, and proposing system concepts to selecting technology, evaluating systems engineering steps, and analyzing evaluations. Examples drawn from the author 's extensive professional experience support each discussion and offer a unique point of view you won't find in any other book. Eleven detailed appendices, with 700 equations, prescribe innovative systems-level designs and specify the advantages and limitations of common evaluation techniques.
One Man 's System Engineering - Principal Aims of the Work, Overview of Subjects Covered.; What is Systems Engineering? - Definitions of Systems and Systems Engineering. High-Level Descriptions of Systems Engineering Activities. Continuous Evolution of a System. Codified Approach to the Management of a Systems Engineering Effort.; On Knowledge and Experience - Differences Between Pure Technical Knowledge and the Awareness of the Value and Applications of that Knowledge.; What Does a Systems Engineer Do? - Defining System Objectives and Measures. Proposing System Concepts. Evaluating All Systems Engineering Steps. Analyzing Evaluations. Recommending Courses Of Action.; On the Objective - Identifying the System 's Objective, It 's Inexorable Evolution; Objectives and the Policy Makers - Dealing with the Inevitable Clash between Systems Engineering and Corporate Policy.; The Operating Concept and the Framework of a System - The Seven Dimensions of a System.; Selecting from Technology - Choosing Consistent Operational Values and Essential Design Parameters of a System.; What Shall We Do With an Idle An 'lyst? - Keeping the Systems Analyst Technically and Intellectually Sharp.; All About EvaluationĀ¶and Creativity Too - The Hypothetico-Deductive Method.; Underpinnings of the Recommendation; Evaluation and (Un)Common Sense - Ockham 's Razor. Pitfalls to Avoid.; Envoy - Taking Care As You Go Forth.;
  • H. Robert Westerman H. Robert Westerman is project director at C3I Systems Group, Inc. of Tinton Falls, NJ. He previously served as Scientific Analyst to the Assistant Chief of Naval Operations for Air Warfare and as Head, Military Systems Network Engineering and Integration Division at Bell Laboratories. He holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Physics from Columbia University.
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