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Artech House USA
Theory and Practice of Radar Target Identification

Theory and Practice of Radar Target Identification

Copyright: 2000
Pages: 762
ISBN: 9781580530811

Hardback $144.00 Qty:
Learn target identification technology and practices designed to solve today 's real-world radar challenges with this one-of-a-kind book. Based on novel theory and fundamentals presented in the authors' earlier Artech House book, Radar-Resolution and Complex-Image Analysis , this new book describes improved technology and methods for implementing target identification solutions applicable to complicated man-made targets. Unlike conventional radar resolution practices developed for point targets, the practices detailed in this book utilize real, rather than only simulated, data and do not require the use of mathematical target models. The result is more accurate identification of aircraft, ground vehicles, and ships. Packed with examples taken entirely from real target data, you learn an approach to complex target radar that improves resolution by a factor of two in each dimension, and enables more accurate measurements in all radar applications. This adaptive approach includes techniques for verifying the acceptability of scatterer tracking, that produces higher quality images than otherwise possible.
  • Steven J. Hershkowitz Stephen J. Herschkowitz is Senior Scientist at MARK Resources, Inc. He received his Ph.D. in Physics at Stanford University.
  • August W. Rihaczek August W. Rihaczek is vice president of MARK Resources, Inc. in Torrance, California. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Munich.
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