Items 76 - 90 of 110
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Advanced Database Technology and Design
Advanced Database Technology and Design
By (author)s: Oscar Diaz, Mario Piattini
Published: 08/31/2000
Pages: 558
E-Commerce Systems Architecture and Applications
E-Commerce Systems Architecture and Applications
By (author): Wasim E. Rajput
Published: 05/31/2000
Pages: 446
Systems Modeling for Business Process Improvement
Systems Modeling for Business Process Improvement
By (author)s: David Bustard, Peter Kawalek
Published: 04/30/2000
Pages: 392
Global Distributed Applications With Windows DNA
Global Distributed Applications With Windows DNA
By (author): Enrique Madrona
Published: 02/29/2000
Pages: 352
A Manager's Guide to the Law and Economics of Data Networks
A Manager's Guide to the Law and Economics of Data Networks
By (author): Jeffrey H. Matsuura
Published: 02/29/2000
Pages: 284
Internet Commerce Development
Internet Commerce Development
By (author): Craig Standing
Published: 01/31/2000
Pages: 252
Multimedia Database Management Systems
Multimedia Database Management Systems
By (author): Guojun Lu
Published: 09/30/1999
Pages: 400
Metadata Management for Information Control and Business Success
Metadata Management for Information Control and Business Success
By (author): Guy Tozer
Published: 08/31/1999
Pages: 338
Software Process Improvement with CMM
Software Process Improvement with CMM
By (author): Joseph Raynus
Published: 11/30/1998
Pages: 224
Desktop Encyclopedia of the Internet
Desktop Encyclopedia of the Internet
By (author): Nathan J. Muller
Published: 10/31/1998
Pages: 584
Practical Process Simulation Using Object-Oriented Techniques and C++
Practical Process Simulation Using Object-Oriented Techniques and C++
By (author): Jose M. Garrido
Published: 10/31/1998
Pages: 236
Understanding Token Ring Protocols and Standards
Understanding Token Ring Protocols and Standards
Published: 09/30/1998
Pages: 528
Coming Soon: Available 03/15/2007
Guide to Standards and Specifications for Designing Web Software
Guide to Standards and Specifications for Designing Web Software
By (author)s: Stan Magee, Leonard Tripp
Published: 08/31/1998
Pages: 362
Internet E-mail: Protocols Standards and Implementation
Internet E-mail: Protocols Standards and Implementation
By (author): Lawrence Hughes
Published: 07/31/1998
Pages: 472
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