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Prutha P. Kulkarni

is an accomplished Assistant Professor in the field of antennas and metamaterials for IoT applications. She completed her Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering, specializing in the Miniaturization of LP and CP Antennas from Anna University in Chennai in 2023. She completed her M.E. in Electronics and Telecommunication from Pune Institute of Computer Technology in 2013, and her B.E. in Electronics and Telecommunication from Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology in Pune, Maharashtra, India in 2008. Her research focuses on the design of metamaterial-inspired antennas, miniaturized antennas for GPS, CubeSat, and IoT applications, and 5G technology. She has published numerous papers in well-regarded journals and international conferences and is a respected reviewer for IEEE. She is a proud member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) and Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S), and has received several awards for her research, including the "International Best Researcher Award" at the ISSN International Research Awards and Congress (IIRAC 2023) in the RF and Microwave Domain.

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