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The book presents and analyzes the the GPS system, may be come unavailable, jammedmost promising and theoretically sound ways or spoofed.to improve the characteristics of D&R circuits and illustrate the influence Contents: Introduction; Propagation Based Taming Solutions and Error Models; of these improvements on the capabilities of digital radios. Measurement based PNT Solution Overview; Essence of Kalman Filters.Contents: Signals and Waveforms; Radio Systems; Signal Processing inCommunication Systems; Digital Photo Transmitters; Digital Radio Receivers; Hardcover440 pp.2020ISBN: 978-1-63081-703-9$189Sampling Theory Fundamentals; Conventional D&R in Digital Receivers;Alternative Digitization Techniques; Conventional D&R in Digital Receivers;Digital-to-Analog Converters (D/As); Analog-to-Digital Conversion (A/D) COMING AUGUST 2020! in Digital Radios; Methods of Increasing Speed and Resolution of A/Ds; Location Based Service in Cellular Novel Digitization Circuits (NCDs) in Digital Receivers; Novel ReconstructionCircuits (NRCs) in Digital Transmitters; Selection of Weight Functions Networks: From GSM to 5G NRfor NDCs and NRCs. 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HegartyHardcover270 pp.2008ISBN: 978-1-59693-287-6$131Advances in Direction-of-Arrival Estimation This thoroughly updated third edition of anSathish Chandran, EditorArtech House bestseller brings together a teamHardcover496 pp.2006ISBN: 978-1-59693-004-9$149 of leading experts who provide you witha current and comprehensive treatment of theIntroduction to Communication Systems Simulation Global Positioning System (GPS). The third edition Maurice Schiffincludes new chapters on the system engineering Hardcover238 pp.2006ISBN: 978-1-59693-002-5$140 details of GPS, covers the European Galileo system,Signal Processing in Digital Communications Chinese Beidou GPS systems, GLONASS, andGeorge J. Miaoexplores advanced receiver autonomous integrityHardcover536 pp.2006ISBN: 978-1-58053-667-7$164 monitoring (ARAIM). The book covers all the latest advances in technology,applications, and systems.Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing: This single-source reference provides both a quick overview of GPSSpectral Estimation, Signal Modeling, Adaptive Filtering essentials and an in-depth treatment of advanced topics. The bookand Array Processing guides you in developing new applications and shows you how toDimitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle, and Stephen M. Kogonevaluate their performance. It explains all the differential GPS servicesHardcover816 pp.2005ISBN: 978-1-58053-610-3$149 available to let you decide which is best for your particular application.Digital Signal Processing and Statistical Classification You learn how to build GPS receivers and integrate them into navigational George Jianwei Miao and Mark A. Clementsand communications equipment. Moreover, this unique volume helpsHardcover511 pp.2002ISBN: 978-1-58053-135-1$173 you determine how technology is affecting the marketplace andSignal Processing Fundamentals and Applications where best to invest your companys resources.for Communications and Sensing Systems Hardcover826 pp.2017ISBN: 978-1-63081-058-0$179John Minkoff Hardcover324 pp.2002ISBN: 978-1-58053-360-7$146Signal Processing ApplicationsHui Liu Hardcover216 pp.2000ISBN: 978-1-58053-042-2$9910'