b'ELECTROMAGNETICSNEW RELEASE! COMING MARCH 2020! Anechoic Range Design forHigh-Power Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Measurements Effects on Electronic SystemsVince Rodriguez D.V. Giri, Frank Sabath, and Richard HoadThe book provides information on selecting the This is the first book that comprehensively addresses right range to make a specific type of measurementthe issues relating to the effects of radio frequency and understanding for an RF absorber. MATLAB(RF) signals and the environment of electrical andscripts are also included to help readers estimate electronic systems. It covers testing methods as wellthe performance of an RF absorber. Readers will as methods to analyze radio frequency. The genera-be able to estimate the required space for a given tion of high-powered electromagnetic (HPEM)type of measurement, as well as identify what environments, including moderate band dampedtype of range is the better choice, based on sinusoidal radiators and hyperband radiating systems physical limitations and economics. Simple rules for the design of an anechoicis explored. HPEM effects on component, circuit, sub-system electronics,chamber, based on the required accuracy and parameters to be measured as well as system level drawing are discussed. The effects of HPEM onare described. Packed with examples and references, this book is a prime experimental techniques and the standards which can be used to control reference for any practitioner that uses or designs facilities for the tests are described. The validity of analytical techniques and computational measurement of electromagnetic energy. modeling in a HPEM effects context is also discussed.Contents: Introduction; Basic Electromagnetics; Antenna Measurements; Readers will learn to consider the importance of HPEM phenomena as a RF Absorber; RF Shielding; Anechoic Ranges for Far Field Measurements; threat to modern electronic based technologies which underpin societyAnechoic Ranges for Near Field Measurements; Anechoic Ranges forand to therefore be pre-emptive in the consideration of HPEM resilience.Compact Range Measurements; Anechoic Ranges for RCS Measurements;Contents: Introduction; Brief Review of RF Environments of Interest;Anechoic Ranges for Aircraft Weather Radar Radome; Anechoic Ranges Examples of RF Effects on Civilian and Military Systems; RF Effects onfor EMC Measurements; Specialty Ranges. Electronics; System Level; Subsystem and Component Level ConsequencesHardcover 360 pp.2019ISBN: 978-1-63081-537-0$169 of RF Effects on Electronic Systems; Characterization of RF Effects;RF Effects Mechanisms and Their Relation to Incident RF parameters;RF Effects Testing Methodologies; Methods to analyze RF Effects;COMING AUGUST 2020!Methods to detect RF Environments and EF Effects; Protection conceptsFractals and Metamaterials:and methods.Cloaking and Applications Hardcover320 pp.2020ISBN: 978-1-63081-588-2$168Natham Chip CohenThis innovative resource describes and educatesIntersystem EMC Analysis, on the state-of-the-art topics of fractal metama-terial and invisibility cloaking. The underpinningsInterference and Solutionsof essential electromagnetics are presented, asUri Veredwell as several key applications, including flatThis comprehensive resource provides you with the absorbers and flat lenses. Fractal metamaterials,methods and tools for defining EMC requirements which differ from conventional metamaterials and techniques for performing predictions anddue to their smaller size and wider bandwith, calculations to achieve electromagnetic compatibility. are explored. This book demonstrates how radar, communications, The role of fractal shapes in electromagnetics is presented, with anand navigation systems can function without inter-emphasis on antennas and resonators. Cloaking methods, includingference. EMC requirements for the device, platform, wideband cloaking with fractal materials are also covered. site, and arena level are discussed and EMC detection Contents: Introduction: A new Field Through Synthesis; Electromagnetics,analysis is utilized to predict EMC problems.optics and Negative Index of Refraction; Electromagnetic Scattering; The book explores the interference between receiving and transmittingFractals and Fractal Antennas; Resonators and Metamaterials; electronic systems and examines intersystem and intrasystem EMC.Fractal Metamaterials; Diverted Imaging/Transformational Optics; Contents: Definitions; EMC Requirements; EMC Analysis and Survey;Invisibility Cloaks; Other Applications and Future Efforts. Interference Type; Interference from Both Transmitter and Receiver;Hardcover300 pp.2020ISBN: 978-1-60807-713-8$149 Interference from the Transmitter; Interference from the Receiver;Calculating the Received Interference Level; Interference Marginand Its Meaning; The Interference Range and the Reception Range;Propagation Models for EMC; Coupling Between Antennas; RelativeAngels Between Antennas; Antenna Gain in Intercardinal Angles;Near Field; Interference Probability; Interference ProbabilityAntennaPatterns Aspect; Probability of Frequency Difference; Probability of PulseInterference; Pulse Interference to Digital Communication; EMC BetweenSynchronous Hopping Devices; EMC Solutions; EMC Tests; AppendixDevice EMC Specifications Table.Hardcover254 pp.2018ISBN: 978-1-63081-561-5$1797'