b'RF & MICROWAVE DESIGNRECENT RELEASE! COMING MARCH 2020!The VNA Applications Microwave and MM WaveHandbook Vacuum Electron Devices:Gregory Bonaguide and Neil Jarvis Inductive Output Tubes,Written by prominent experts in the field, Klystrons, Traveling Wave Tubes, this authoritative new resource provides Magnetrons, Crossed-Field guidelines for performing a wide variety ofVector Network Analyzers (VNA) measurements.Amplifiers, and GyrotronsThe capabilities and limitations of modern A.S. Gilmour, Jr.VNA in the context of challenging real-worldWritten by an internationally recognizedapplications are explained, as well as insights expert on the subject of microwave tubes,for optimizing test setups and instrument this book presents and describes the many types of MW tubes, despitesettings, making accurate measurements and, equally important, competition from solid-state devices (those using GaN, SiC, et cetera), avoiding costly mistakes.which continue to be used widely and find new applications in defense, Organized by topic, the readers can focus on chapters covering particularcommunications, medical, industrial drying, and more. measurement challenges. Application topics include linear and non-linearContents: Introduction; Capabilities of Micro and MM wave tubes;measurements of passive and active devices, frequency converting devices,Characteristics of Micro and MM waves; The Vacuum Level; Cathodes;and special considerations for high-power, high-gain, and pulsed devices. Electron Guns; Electron Beams; Beam Modulation; Current InductionContents: Architecture of the Modern VNA; Calibration Techniques; and Circuit Response; Klystrons; High Performance Klystrons; KloystrodesCable, Adapter and Attenuator Measurements; Filter, Transformer, Coupler,and Other Gridded Tubes; Helix TWTs; Coupled-Cavity TWTs; Collectors;Circulator Measurements; Amplifier Measurements; Measurements on Nonlinearities, Distortion and Noise; Noise; Magnetrons; Crossed-FieldMixers and Frequency Converters; Pulse Measurements; Antenna Amplifiers; Gyrotrons; Windows; Appendixes.Measurements; Waveguide and Millimeter-Wave Measurements; Hardcover950 pp.2020ISBN: 978-1-63081-728-2$179Measurements on a Probe Station.Hardcover388 pp.2019ISBN: 978-1-63081-600-1$169 COMING MAY 2020!Practical Transmission Line RECENT RELEASE! Design and Measurement, Parameter Extraction Part 1: Lossless Single-Ended and Complex Nonlinear Transmission LinesTransistor Models Eric BogatinGnter Kompa This book establishes a solid foundation of theThis comprehensive resource presents essential principles of how systems interact withall aspects concerning the modeling of transmission lines, how the physical design ofsemiconductor field-effect device parameters interconnects affects transmission line properties,based on gallium-arsenide (GaAs) and generativeand how to interpret transmission line designadversarial network (GaN) technology. Metal-(TDR) measurements to extract important figures of merits and avoidsemiconductor field-effect transistors (MESFETs),common misinterpretations. high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) and Contents: What are transmission lines and why should we care;heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs), their structures and functions, Single-ended lossless and differential lossy transmission lines; Calculatingand existing transistor models are also classified.characteristic impedance; Reflections when the instantaneous impedance The Shockley model is presented in order to give insight into changes; The TDR; Practical TDR Measurements; Exploring geometry and semiconductor field-effect transistor (FET) device physics and explain impedance: 1st order effects; Second order factors; Dielectric Materialsthe relationship between geometric and material parameters and and Dk; Practical design issues; The capacitance and inductance in adevice performance.transmission line; Input impedance of a transmission line; Simple pointContents: Introduction; Transistor Concepts; Classification of Transistor to point transmission line circuits; What every scope user needs to know Models; Classical Shockley Model and Enhanced Modifications; about transmission lines; Terminating transmission line circuits; Appendixes.Extrinsic Transistor DC Network; Estimation of FET Model Element Values;eBook only420 pp.2020ISBN: 978-1-63081-692-6$72Transistor Model Complexity; Reliable Estimates of Model Parametersfrom Low-Frequency; Small-Signal Measurement Techniques;Uncertainties in the Device Modeling Process; Optimization Methods RECENT RELEASE!for Model Parameter Extraction; Extraction Methods; All-At-Once ModelPrinciples of RF and MW DesignParameter Extraction;Decomposition-Based Model Parameter Extraction;Matthew MorganBidirectional Search Method; Pure Analytical Model Parameter Extraction; Analytical Model Parameter Extraction Using Rational Functions; RepetitiveThis comprehensive resource provides a thorough Random Optimization with Adaptive Search Space; Frequency Scanning introduction to the principles of electronic circuits for Bias-Dependence Analysisof Series Resistances; Model Parameteroperating in the radio, microwave, and millimeter Extraction with Measurement-Correlated Parameter Starting Values; -wave frequency ranges. The book highlights theBasics of Nonlinear FET Modeling; Nonlinear Dispersive FET Device fundamental physical laws of classical electromagneticsModel; Large-Signal Measurement Techniques for Device; Standard using a foundation of Maxwells equations toFET ModelsCapabilities and Limitations; Developed Advanced give insight into the operating principles of circuitLarge-Signal Device Model Verification; Appendices. elements of all kinds, from lumped elements to transmission lines, waveguides, optical fibers,Hardcover570 pp.2019ISBN: 978-1-63081-744-2$171 and quasi-optical structures. Contents: Fields and Waves; Lumped Elements; Transmission Lines;Network Parameters; Transformations and Identities; Impedance Matching; Waveguides; Launchers and Transitions; Quasi-Optical Components;Flat-Frequency Components; Frequency-Selective Components; Amplifiers; Frequency Conversion; Appendix.Hardcover712 pp.2019ISBN: 978-1-63081-649-0$1793'