b'RADARCOMING APRIL 2020! COMING OCTOBER 2020!Basic Radar Analysis,Phased Array Radar ModelingSecond Edition in MATLAB and SimulinkMervin C. Budge, Jr. and Shawn German Honglei Chen and Rick GentileThis 2nd edition covers several key radar analysis This exciting new resource covers the simulationareas, including the radar range equation, detectionand design phased array radars as well as generate theory, ambiguity functions, waveforms, antennas, test data for verification. Readers will learn howactive arrays, receivers, signal processors, CFAR and to perform phased array modelling and designchaff analysis. Analog signal processors and digital spatial signal processing algorithms. Closed loopsignal processors of the types used in modern phasedsimulations that are responsive to what isarray radars are discussed.Fundamentals of radar happening in the radar field of view are presented.analysis including the range equation, detection Using MATLAB and Simulink, readers will learntheory, ambiguity functions, antennas, receivers, and signal processors for how each subsystem of a phased array radar system can be modeled andmodern radars are also covered. This book addresses details of the radar rangehow the subsystems can be integrated to perform system simulationsand detection probability equations and the tools radar engineers commonlyat the desired level of fidelity.use to perform signal processor and clutter analyses. Contents: Introduction; Radar System Overview; Radar Waveform;Contents: Radar Basics; Radar Range Equation; Radar Cross Section; Noise;Phased Array Antenna; Propagation Target Modelling (including Micro-Doppler); Radar Losses; Detection Theory; Matched Filter; Detection Probability Improve- Detection and Estimation; Beamforming; STAP (including clutter and inter-ment Techniques; Ambiguity Function; Waveform Coding; Stretch Processing;ference); Multi-object Tracking; Special Topics: Polarization, MIMO Radar, Phased Array Antenna Basics; Clutter Model; Signal Model; Pulse Signal Multifunction Radar; Summary.Processor; Moving Target Indicator (MTI); Moving Target Detector (MTD);Hardcover380 pp.2020ISBN: 978-1-60807-709-1$168Pulsed Doppler Processors; Chaff Analysis; Radar Receiver Basics;Introduction to Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal Processing; Introductionto Space-Time Adaptive Processing; Sidelobe Cancellation; Appendixes. RECENT RELEASE!Hardcover950 pp.2020ISBN: 978-1-63081-555-4$189 Introduction to RadarUsing Python and MATLABCOMING JUNE 2020! Lee Andrew HarrisonModern Machine LearningThis comprehensive resource provides readerswith the tools necessary to perform analysisAlgorithms for Radar of various waveforms for use in radar systems.and Communications It provides information about how to produceUttam K. Majumder and Erik P. Blasch synthetic aperture (SAR) images by giving atomographic formulation and implementationThis exciting resource identifies technical challenges,for SAR imaging. Tracking filter fundamentals,benefits, and directions of Deep Learning (DL) and each parameter associated with the filterbased object classification using radar data and how each affects tracking performance are also presented. Various (i.e., Synthetic Aperture Radar / SAR and High radar cross section measurement techniques are covered, along withrange resolution Radar / HRR data). An overview waveform selection analysis through the study of the ambiguity functionof machine learning (ML) theory to include a for each particular waveform from simple linear frequency modulationhistory, background primer, and example and performance of ML algorithm(LFM) waveforms to more complicated coded waveforms.(i.e., DL method) on video imagery is provided. Radar data with issues of collection, application, and examples for SAR/HRR data and communicationThe text includes the Python tool suite, which allows the reader to analyzesignals analysis is also discussed. Practical considerations of deploying suchand predict radar performance for various scenarios and applications.techniques,including performance evaluation, hardware issues, and theAlso provided are MATLAB scripts corresponding to the Python tools.future unresolved issues are presented.The software includes a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) thatprovides visualizations of the concepts being covered. Users have full access Contents: Introduction; Mathematical foundations for ML; A Review of to both the Python and MATLAB source code to modify for their application. various ML algorithms; Radio Frequency Data as Big Data; ML Algorithms With examples using the tool suite are given at the end of each chapter,on RF Data; ML algorithms Implementation for Radar Image Classification; this text gives readers a clear understanding of how important targetML algorithms Implementation for communication signal classification; scattering is in areas of target detection, target tracking, pulse integration,Computational advancements for ML algorithms: Neuromorphic processor,and target discrimination.Memristor, GPUs, FPGA; Emerging Research Topics.Contents: Introduction; Electromagnetic Fields and Waves; AntennaHardcover300 pp.2020ISBN: 978-1-63081-637-7$168 Systems; The Radar Range Equation; Radar Receivers; Target Detection; Radar Cross Section; Pulse Compression; Target Tracking; TomographicSynthetic Aperture Radar; Countermeasures.Hardcover496 pp.2019ISBN: 978-1-63081-597-4$15912'