b'INFORMATION WARFARE / ELECTRONIC WARFARECOMING SEPTEMBER 2020!COMING NOVEMBER 2020! Wireless Sensor Networks Signals Collectionfor Tactical Intelligence,and Estimation fromSurveillance and Reconnaissance Non-Cooperative EmittersTim Cole David A. Garren, Uttam K. Majumder,This exciting resource presents specifics that and Erik P. Blaschdefine tactical intelligent surveillance & This text describes the fundamentals of signalsreconnaissance (ISR) by providing architectur- collection. The basic concepts ad skills requiredal design rules and applications, along withto manage and develop signals collection systemsexamples for sensor and data extraction fields.are presented. The process of collecting analyzingDescriptions of appropriate sensor modalities,signals from an uncooperative source is described, wireless sensor networking structures, systems engineering in the making it the first technical text on the subject that specifically appliesselection & implementation phases, example systems, seamless the foundational principles and concepts pertaining to the collectionintegration into existing ISR systems are discussed. The seldom-discussed and exploitation of uncooperative signals of interest.tactical ISR systems versus that associated with large-scale strategic Contents: Signals Collection; A Brief History of Signals Collection;systems is detailed. This text fills in the technical gap left by current Signals and Communications Fundamentals; Access to Signals;publications and ISR courses. Radar Fundamentals; Geolocation of Non-Cooperative Emitters;Contents: Introduction; Introduction to T-ISR; T-ISR Sensor Systems; Signal Detection and Estimation; Cryptology Fundamentals;Sensor Key Performance Parameters (KPPs); T-ISR Target Signatures Signals Analysis Fundamentals; Cyber Operations;& Identification Issues; WSN node Hardware; Data, Command & Control The Future of Signals Direction. Communications; WSN Node & Wireless Self-Organizing Level SensorSystemsOptical; WSN Node & Wireless Self-Organizing Level Sensor Hardcover300 pp.2020ISBN: 978-1-63081-643-8$109SystemsRF; WSN Node & Wireless Self-Organizing Level Sensor Modalities; T-ISR Sensor Architecture Engineering; Localization & Geolocation;Power Management; Security; T-ISR System Deployment; WSN Applicationto T-ISR Missions (Case Studies).Hardcover300 pp.2020ISBN: 978-1-63081-337-6$168ArTECH ACCESS OVER 40 NEW eBOOKS COMING IN 2020DRM-FREE Files!Free Trial AvailableFor more information and to order! Visit ArtechHouse.comor contact Kate Skypeck at kskypeck@artechhouse.com17'