b'RADARCOMING AUGUST 2020! RECENT RELEASE!Emerging Deep LearningSignal Processing forApplications of Short Bistatic RadarRange Radars Mateusz MalanowskiAvik SantraThis cutting-edge resource introduces the basicThis exciting new resource covers various emergingconcepts of passive bistatic radar, such as bistatic applications of short range radars, including peoplegeometry, bistatic radar equation and analysis ofcounting and tracking, gesture sensing, humandifferent illuminating signals. These techniques, activity recognition, air-drawing, material classifica- although known for almost a century, have nottion, object classification, vital sensing by extractingbeen developed intensively for decades, mainlyfeatures such as range-Doppler Images (RDI), due to technical limitations, but today, the passive range-cross range images, Doppler Spectrogram or directly feeding raw radar concept can be realized in practice, and isADC data to the classifiers. The book also presents how deep learning of great interest for military and civilian users. This book provides insight into architectures are replacing conventional radar signal processing pipelinesunderstanding the potential and limitations of passive radar systems, as wellenabling new applications and results. It describes how deep convolutionalas the differences between signal processing in active and passive radar.neural networks (DCNN), long-short term memory (LSTM), feedforwardEach of the signal processing stages typically applied in passive radar is networks, regularization, optimization algorithms, connectionist temporaldescribed, including digital beamforming, clutter removal, target detection, classification (CTC) are enabling these applications. localization and tracking. These concepts are illustrated with both simulated and measured data along with examples of passive radar systems.Contents: Introduction to Short Range Radars; Vital Sensing & OccupancyCorrelation processing, which is crucial for passive radar operation, is presented,Sensing; Material Classification; Gesture Sensing; Air Writing/Drawing;as well as practical approaches for calculating the cross-ambiguity function.Human Activity Classification; People Counting and Tracking; Dooring &The problems of range and velocity-cell migration are also introduced.Street Lighting (Pedestrian/Bike/Car classification); Other Applications. The book analyzes and compares different antenna array geometries to Hardcover304 pp.2020ISBN: 978-1-63081-746-6$169 show readers the appropriate solution for a particular scenario of passive radar. Cartesian tracking is also presented, based on the extended Kalman filter. Parallel and sequential updating approaches are introduced andRECENT RELEASE! compared. These concepts are illustrated with both simulated and measured Handbook of Radar Scatteringdata along with examples of passive radar systems, making this book useful Statistics for Terrain for both novice and advanced practitioners.Software update by Jos lvarez-Prez Hardcover380 pp.2019ISBN: 978-1-60807-662-9$149Fawwaz T. Ulaby and M. Craig DobsonThe classic reference for radar and remote sensing RECENT RELEASE!engineers, Handbook of Radar for Scattering Practical Model-BasedStatistics for Terrain, has been reissued withupdated, practical software for modern data Systems Engineeringanalysis applications. First published in 1989, Jose L. Fernandez and Carlos Hernandezthis update features a new preface, along This comprehensive resource provides systemswith three new appendices that explain how engineers and practitioners with the analytic, design to use the new software and graphical user interface. Python- andMATLAB-based software has been utilized so remote sensing and and modeling tools of the Model-Based Systems radar engineers can utilize the wealth of statistical data that came Engineering (MBSE) methodology of Integrated with the original book and software. This update combines the book Systems Engineering (ISE) and Pipelines of Processes and software, previously sold separately, into a single new product. in Object Oriented Architectures (PPOOA) method-ology. This methodology integrates model based The text first presents detailed examinations of the statistical behavior systems and software engineering approaches for of speckle when superimposed on nonuniform terrain. The Handbook the development of complex products, including aerospace, robotics and of Radar Scattering Statistics for Terrain then supports system design energy domains applications.and signal processing applications with a complete database of calibrated Readers learn how to synthesize physical architectures using design heuristicsbackscattering coefficients. Compiled over 30 years, the statistical and trade-off analysis. The book provides information about how to identify, summaries of radar backscatter from terrain offers you over 400,000 dataclassify and specify the system requirements of a new product or service.points compiled in tabular format. With this text, youll own the mostUsing Systems Modeling Language (SysML) constructs, readers will be ablecomprehensive database of radar terrain scattering statistics ever compiled.to apply ISE & PPOOA methodology in the engineering activities of theirDerived from measurements made by both airborne and ground-basedown systems.scatterometer systems, the database includes information from 114references. The text provides over 60 tables of backscatter data for 9 Contents: Introduction; Systems Engineering; Model-Based Systemsdifferent surface categories, all derived under strict quality criteria. Engineering; The ISE & PPOOA process; Functional Architecture; HeuristicsRigorous standards for calibration accuracy, measurement precision, to apply in the engineering of systems; Physical Architecture; Example of and category identification make the database the most reliable source Application; Unmanned Aerial VehicleElectric Subsystem; Example offor scattering statistics ever available. Application: Collaborative robot; Example of Application: Energy EfficiencyContents: Theory of Radar Scattering Statistics; Distribution Functions for the Steam Generation Process of a Coal Power Plant; To Conclude;of the Backscattering Coefficient; Appendices: Each appendix gives you Appendix A: SysML Notation; Appendix B: Requirements Framework.the following: L-Band Data; S-Band Data; C-Band Data; X-Band Data; Hardcover250 pp.2019ISBN: 978-1-60807-579-0$139Ku-Band Data; Ka-Band Data; W-Band Data. Appendix A: BackscatterData for Soil and Rock Surfaces. Appendix B: Backscattering Datafor Trees. Appendix C: Backscattering Data for Grasses. Appendix D:Backscattering Data for Shrubs. Appendix E: Backscattering Data forShort Vegetation. Appendix F: Backscattering Data for Road Surfaces. Appendix G: Backscattering Data for Urban Areas. Appendix H:Backscattering Data for Dry Snow. Appendix I: Backscattering Datafor Wet Snow. References. Index.Hardcover420 pp.2019ISBN: 978-1-63081-701-5$19913'